Different approaches to meeting people on myspace.

Feb 12, 2006 08:05

I dig transparency, so why not blog about this!

So I'm in the mode of trying to meet some new friends. I really sorta have been for around a week. I sent out a few notes here or there before, but I did some more intensive searching for new friends in the last week.

I've tried a number of approaches. Way back when I was really new to meeting people on myspace, I wrote a thoughtful, considerate message to nearly everyone I tried to add as a friend who wasn't already a friend in real life. I'd write around 10 of those messages and get a reply from maybe 2. Over time, I had a greater tendency to meet people from other people I had already met, so I didn't have to send out 10 of those emails.

I didn't want to have to write a whole bunch of emails to a bunch of different people, with no way of knowing who would or wouldn't respond.

So I started this effort in the last week with writing a flexible form letter. I put a lot of effort into it. I figured if I wrote the right kind of letter, and made it flexible enough, then I could use variations of it and maximize the effort-to-result ratio.

Well, one girl flat out told me she felt I wrote an engaging but canned email to her, and I have to admit I felt I got pegged, there.

So then I took this letter, and would only use parts of it in this note and that note, still sending it out there, you know? That wasn't feeling right either. (Though no idea how effective it is yet. Was doing that a few days ago. Sometimes takes people a few days to respond.)

Then I suddenly had a new idea. I'd ONLY write those I felt some charge with in their profile, and I'd write them a very brief but personal note about the experience I had reading their profile. I even wrote some stuff I couldn't believe I wrote to someone I didn't already know. (For example, I wrote this girl with cleavage shots all over her page, who promotes for various clubs, if all that attention she gets from boys who worship her and girls who hate her actually gets to her head; if she buys into the hype and enjoys it, or if she just uses it to help her promote for the clubs.)

I still have no idea what will come back from this newest strategy, but it sure was a hell of a lot more fun. I just wish it were easier to tell the difference between quality people who are being cautious and ingrates who are out there to make a profit of some sort.

I'm also not sure what I'll do if I re-run into a profile I sent one of those early form letters to, but am still getting a charge from on their profile. In fact, if there are girls who wanna give me up some advice in that regard, I'd love to hear it. Do i send a follow up? Or is that first note so crucial that if I blew it on that one, oh well. Done for, forever. HEHE (I really don't care. I figure it wasn't supposed to be if it didn't happen. But I am curious what people think if you wanna offer it.)
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