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Aug 06, 2004 15:35

Alright so yesterday my mom took me over to the school and I drove. I was scared to death and a nervous wreck and when I got behind the wheel I was like "woah, this is new" and then I started driving. OMG it was so much fun! My mom was like freakin at first cuz I kept pushin on the gas and we would lurch forward and then I got the hang of where the break is located..lol...so at first I was just makin left hand turns and my mom's like "Erin you got to make a right sooner or later, you won't be driving on a race track" so I made some right hand turns. I was terrible at it at first but I started getting the hang of it and my mom's all like "slow down" and I'm like "Mom I'm going like 10 mile an hour" and she's like "I know but just go slow" so I did and then I forgot where the break was again and when I finally found it we stopped very abruptly. Then we drove around the school and I drove some more in the parking lot and then around the school again...by the time I was done I was starting to get the hang of things and I'm so extremely glad that I managed to get past my fears and what's happened in my past. Phew! As I always say but never seem to listen to myself, all F.E.A.R. is, is false evidence appearing real. Oh and my bro's baby is due today so we are waiting to get a phone call..hopefully :) if not then we will be expecting it soon. Yay! My surgery is next Friday which means I have a week to play as much basketball as possible! Then the next week on Wensday my braces are gone and I can't wait because last night I was trying to put my night time rubberband thing on and it took me like 20 minutes...so since I didn't want to blow up with frustration I kept telling myself "13 more nights....13 more nights.....13 more nights" and I ended up smiling by the time I told myself this three times. Choralier camp is getting close..can't wait to see everybody again! and school is starting soon....anxious for that but I still got to get my summer reading done...I just can't enjoy the books honestly....anyways speaking of the books I should better go read them for a little while until Nate and Lizzy show up. We're watchin movies tonight! Yay! and then tommorrow we're going to brunch and to see Joseph...front row seats baby! Woot Woot! I'm excited...I really enjoyed it Wensday! Alright so I'm gonna go straighten my hair and read..really I should just read but I want to straighten my hair so that comes first :) OH AND TAKE NOTE...............

This Upcoming Thursday...Party At My House From 6 To Whenever. Come Stop By and Hang Out It's Gonna Be A Hoot! My Mom's Cookin...LoL...And I Have A Hot Tub so Bring a swim suit, or trunks if you want to get in!!!! Any New Movies You Guys May Have Bring them too....and We Will Most Definently Be Playing Bull Shit so practice your lying *wink wink*. And my address in case ya'll don't know is 519 Hollowell Pl. it's in Daysprings!
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