Another Great Weekend!!

Jul 19, 2010 14:01

So I had a really good weekend!

Actually, I had a pretty good week.

Monday was Dinner at Daddy's, where we ate Chicken Caesar, and Mares and I played Wii Sports (I'm no longer a Pro at Bowling, which makes me le sad. I have to get better at it!) and Dad went to talk to the Lady he is currently seeing. (I don't want to call her girlfriend just yet, because he hasn't called her that yet).

Tuesday we went to Sarahs, and played more Wii there. We made our own Mii's, but I'm going to have to change mine. I used to always pick the black guy as my character because I usually had the black controller, and Nick called me Darkness, so i'm going to have to make myself black on tuesday when we're there again. I liked being The Darkness.

OMG Speaking of The Darkness, I totally fell in love with them again!! Peanut texted me some lyrics sometime last week, cuz he heard them on the radio and thought of me because I Believe In A Thing Called Love was my song a few years ago. As in, I listened to it ALL THE TIME. In my car it was pretty much on repeat, blaring, and I'd car dance to it all the freaking time.

So i love them again and it makes me happy.

anyway. On wednesday Mares and I just chilled at home. I think we finished S1 of SG1 that night. Or we started S2. I think we finished S1 though.

Thursday was my Friday, and I went to see Predators with a guy from work. It was a non-date. it was nice. I really enjoyed the movie and am going to see it again. While I was in the movie, the guy who i'm supposed to maybe have coffee with called and left a msg.

On Friday, I called him back and left an awkward msg for him. I hate leaving msgs if its someone i don't know. I never know what to say and get all jumbled and its just... awkward. So yeah. I don't even remember what I said to him, so i'll probably call him tonight or something, so that we can arrange something for sometime.

ANYWAY. Friday afternoon Mares and I left for kelowna, and made it there in 3.5 hrs. My sister is a fast driver. We had thought that we were going to stay at a hotel or smth, but Kim's roommate/owner of the house was gone that weekend for a fishing trip, so we all crashed there. Its a really nice place. Me & Mares had to share, but we're kinda used to that. Anyway, Kim had cleaned out some of her closet, so I got a bunch of clothes and shoes, and Mares got some shoes and a few purses. So I knew that I wasn't going to do a lot of clothes shopping.

Anyway, we got there around dinner time, so we went out for Greek. OMG SO YUMMY. Yama's in Kelowna? So good! the tzatiki was a little garlicy, but i'm not complaining. i ate my whole meal! (lamb souvlaki, lemon roasted potates, rice, and greek salad) i was that hungry, but mares and i skipped out on lunch and had Ruffles All Dressed chips instead.

After dinner (which was Mimi's b-day dinner, since her birthday was earlier this month), we rented some movies, then went to get snackies and some necessities.

then we went back to Kim's place and started Shutter Island. Which we all fell asleep in. We'd all wake up periodically and notice that everyone else was asleep, then fall back asleep, then someone else would wake up and notice taht everyone was asleep, then fall back asleep. It was kinda funny.

Woke up around 8 on saturday, and we got ready to go to the Farmers Market. I bought a cute little green summer dress there, and some peas. Then we went to the mall for a few hours. Kim and Mimi are crazy shoppers. they're Endurance Shoppers - they can shop for hours. Anyway, i bought some earrings at Aldo, and La Senza was having an awesome sale, so i bought some things there, and I went to Chapters and bought 3 books, and my aunt bought me and mares some cute change purses, and we ate lunch and mimi bought a couple of new purses, and some clothes, and Kim bought some clothes and maren bought some books. We all got something. Then we went back to Kim's, and found out that the movie we had planned on seeing - the REASON for the trip - was only on at 340, and it was about 310 when we got home, and Kim wasn't sure if we had time to get downtown to the ONE AND ONLY theatre it was playing at. So we decided not to go, because we were all tired, and I had already seen it, and Mimi was ok for waiting for the dvd, and Kim and Mares didn't really care. So we stayed home and watched Shutter Island again, and this time managed to stay awake!!!

It wasn't bad. It was kind of slow, but all in all, not a horrible movie. well, not a bad movie. I don't have to see it again - it made me sad. but it was a well-done movie. Then we tried watching Men with Goats, which none of us were into, so then we got dinner - Sushi!!! and went to Coopers again to pick up some snackies, and some fixings for cookies that Mimi was going to make for Jesse (Kimi's roommate). So we had our sushi, and after we watched Sherlock Holmes. Mimi enjoyed it, but Kim was Meh about it (HOW I DON'T KNOW!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!)

By then it was about 10, so mimi went to bed, and i tried to stay up, but I was too tired, so i read for a bit then went to bed.

Woke up at 7 the next morning, and i had a protein shake and some coffee, and did my nails (as I promised S i would). We hung out for a while, gathering all our crap together, my aunt made Imperial Cookies (they taste like ritz crackers), and by noon, we were off!

The drive home took a bit longer, but we still made good time - about 4 hours. We got home, dropped off some of our stuff, then went to Cousin Larry's house for a Family BBQ. Daddy's cousin Kelly from Ontario and her daughter Emily (who will start Grade 9 i think in sept) are here for vacay, so some of the family was rounded up for a nice little dinner. Larry's daughter Kristen was there, with her bf Tyler, and cousin Jeremy was there. I think he might be my favourite boy cousin. Not just on my dad's side, just in general. (I don't know Matty well enough. And I like to piss Cam off cuz its fun). He made me have a giggle-fit. So that was fun. But yeah, hung out with the other side of the fam for a bit, and it was a good time.

Wednesday I might be having sushi for dinner with Peanut, as we both want sushi. I swear, he's part of the reason i'm so addicted to sushi. but we're going for all you can eat possibly on wednesday if i don't have other plans. And he's also going to find me directions to get to Chilliwack Airport because apparently they have amazing pie there, so says Kristen. So i'm going to test that theory soon.

AND i'm also planning on going to the Drive In sometime soon. It's playing Inception there right now, and that might be fun to see.

So yes. That's my plan. I'm going to call that guy tonight, to see if he still wants to maybe do something sometime. Lets hope i don't sound like a fool.

OOH! Theres a show i must watch! Its called Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Kim is all, it was either made by women or gay men, because its about hot men who are well built who walk around half-naked all the time! sometimes even fully naked. and theres blood and guts and gore. - its about gladiators, so really, i should watch it. and it looks like a well-done show!! so yay!!

i'm still Misfits obsessed. I need more. MORE. i need something to tide me over! If i could watch the eps with my family, that might do it, but they changed the days and... arg. Misfits is AWESOME!! series 2 just needs to be here already!  

teevee, family, boys, movies, rl, misfits, friends

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