May 14, 2006 23:28
I have 2 days of classes left and none of it has hit me yet.
last musical
last prom
last dance show
last Sunday worrying about Monday's full day of classes
last 2:35 dismissal
last dance party seeing 9th graders dry hump(badly) little 9th grade or Senior boys
and i mean...sweet.
p.s. I'm legal today and it's great. I love my friends, and I love my family.
and there are few people that I am just genuinely happy to see. Morgan is one of them, he's one of my favorite juniors. Actually one of my favorite people, I'll miss our convos.
And I cannot be more thankful that I still have friends who I've known and loved since kindergarten, who never forget my Birthday. They are amazing and I treasure them greatly, because no matter what, no matter what is going on, and regardless of time/distance separation they will always be there. And honestly I don't think that any 12 year survivor could understand that loyalty, or will understand it until they go away to college and manage to keep in touch. I almost fear for the 12 year survivor. They've never had to switch schools or deal with that type of anxiety, and while many have friends outside of school, and don't have problems with that kind of thing, I'm grateful that my parents made the decisions they did, because I've dealt with that kind of complete upheaval and resettling once, and don't have the anxiety of wondering if it will be okay. It will, I've done it before. I mean the whole high school to college thing is enough, and leaving NA is enough, but at least I won't be leaving the only thing I know.