Day 12 - Whatever tickles your fancy

Apr 12, 2010 11:25

A list of things I need to buy when my (much looked forward to) student loan turns up in my bank account:

New glasses (kjsdfhlasdkfh;lkjag these ones are scratched to fuck)
New phone (one that doesn't require daily charging, twice daily if I actually dare use it for a phone call)

A good large cooking knife, un-serrated
A whisk
A wire mesh sieve
A cooling rack
A rolling pin
A pair of tongs (where the fuck have the other ones gone? ffs)

Underwear that fits (stupid fucking meds making mew grow 3 dress sizes in 4 months)
Summer clothes that are suitable for public wear (because I only recently realised, that because my past 5 summers have been spent at camp, the only summer clothes I have are camp wear. kasdfglkdsj)
New trainers
A pair of shoes that aren't trainers
A hat, to alternate with the pretty hat and the hobo hat.

Things to attempt not to buy when student loan comes in:

Plane tickets to America, for the last 2 weeks of camp
Plane tickets to Japan, for whenever
Copious amounts of stuff, either off Ebay, Etsy, or Yahoo Japan! Autions
An electric blue PSP
More clothes than necessary
LocoRoco 2
More than 1 hat

Either lists are by no means complete. Ack.


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