
Mar 03, 2005 23:30

I just wanted to apologize for not replying to everyone's comments. This last week, I haven't felt up to emailing or replying to comments. I can't say why... just haven't felt like it. But, I wanted you all to know that I did get them, and appreciate the thoughts, concerns, comments, etc. I haven't even replied to family and friends' emails... so don't feel neglected.

The only explanation I can come up with is I am finally feeling the loss of the relationship with my mother, and therefore, I'm going into some kind of seclusion or some sort of sabbatical.

And, for all of you who tell me that there is no explanation, I do know that. But, going through this, and dealing with this, you want answers, and you ask those questions. I may or may not get an answer, I may or may not see why this happened, only time will tell. It is all something that goes through my head, and if I don't get it out, it'll drive me crazy.

Oh yeah... for those who replied about the religious thing that pissed me off... thanks for agreeing with me. =) Like I said, I can't remember what exactly he read, but that was the general idea... my mom brought this on herself. It just pisses me off that someone, especially a priest, could say or think that. I am sure that there are somethings in this world that happen to people and they deserved it. But, for my mom, who, 15 years ago, went and had the spot where it all began checked out, and was told it was nothing (by Kaiser), and then, had it surgically removed when she found out it was cancer, but the surgeon didn't do any localized radiation to prevent further growth/spreading of the melanoma. So, my mom did what she was supposed to in order to prevent this, yet, she still ended up with multiple tumors in her brain and throughout her body. So, looking at it from that stand point, it is not my mom's fault!! All the doctors involved screwed this up. (Before anyone asks... we've looked into legal action, and about all we can do is file wrongful death lawsuits on the hospitals/doctors involved after my mom dies.)

So - sorry for not replying and thanks for everything! =)

what's been going on, mom

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