I was going to post things night before last, but the Internet
apparently decided that was a bad idea and booted me sometime during
LOST, lol. So if this is a wee bit all over the fucking place, sorry!
Next week is another spirit week thingie at work. I don't know what the
Recognition & Contest Committee is smoking but they're certainly
busy lately, lol. Anyway, there's the standard PJ day, a funky sneaker
day, a Twins day (Christine will be my very DeVito/Schwarzenegger
twin), a dream profession hat day (I will wear my Disney Princess hat,
lol), and a wannabe movie/rock star day. The latter should prove most
interesting, as Cass suggested that she, Christine and I go as Green
Day, and we are. Hee. None of us can pull off authentic hair so we're
just going to do appropriate outfits and then use liberal amounts of
green hairspray on all of us. They've all had green hair at some point,
The post title is from a positive feedback I got on a GD board that had
me literally giggling. Usually, my fb is for having uploaded something,
answered a question, or b/c they like my avatar (*smooches* to
linzeems for that one). I don't know this particular
poster, and it's quite obvious that s/he doesn't know me either LOL!
Either that, or s/he saw my brief explanation for my tattoo as that I
write romance and erotica, or relatedly, stumbled across my fanfic.
Because those are the only reasons *I* can think of that could possibly
make anyone in their right mind consider ME to be hardcore. ROTFL!
I finally made a dentist appt b/c I woke up this morning around 4 am in
excruciating pain. I guess I missed something when I brushed my teeth
or w/e. Unfortunately, said appt is not until Wed morning and since it
is my very first visit to a new dentist, he's unlikely to actually fill
the cavity at that point so I'll need a follow-up visit. Bah. Yes, I
realize I'm an idiot and that taking great care *now* is oh so closing
the barn door after the horse has run off, but I hate dentists. And I
hate new medical people. It seems like a nice office, though, and the
receptionist was extremely nice. So in the meantime, I just need to
keep my mouth extra extra extra clean and be careful about what I eat.
I wish my old dentist had listened to me and just yanked the fucker
after my wisdom teeth came out. It's the very, very back bottom molar
and I've had trouble keeping it clean since it grew in in the first
place, b/c my jaw is small and I have too many damn teeth already. But
no, instead it has like half a dozen different fillings in it. Jeez.
My parents are loving Ghost Whisperer. This is weird, b/c my dad hates
anything paranormal and my mom's not generally too keen either. I
watched the 2nd ep tonight and despite myself, I liked it too. Although
I do actually like Jennifer Love Hewitt. I am, however, still intensely
pissed off that it replaced Joan, and I still want to beat some sense
into Leslie Moonves. I do not like that man, lol.
Mel, I believe you're the Eddie Izzard fan? I happened to come across
this amusing article from Vanity Fair on him, with a, er, lovely photo. Hee.
(Apologies for the fucked up formatting. LJ does not like it when I edit!)