Never did end up napping so I'll probably be cutting out soon and going to bed ridiculously early. Didn't end up accomplishing much, either, lol. I did finish a piece of original flash fiction though, which I've put up
here. It's in need of a better title but that one will do for now. Suggestions for a proper title - or about anything else; I'm always open to concrit - would be welcome.
This is a must-read, even if you're not into Harry Potter at all. It was done last year, so before DH came out, but it's a folk song based on the fact that Hermione's birthday is on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Fucking priceless, even just to read the lyrics! You can d/l the song for free, too. :D Oddly, it puts me in mind a bit of
femmenerd's lovely fic,
'Choices' or 'Five Ways Hermione Granger Could Have Lost Her Virginity.' And for the amusement factor, how about a steaming bowl of
soup with an interestingly-labelled flavour? *cackles*