On the twelfth day of Christmas,
tasyfa sent to me...
Twelve concerts drumming
Eleven corsets piping
Ten boots a-leaping
Nine accessories dancing
Eight tiaras a-spelling
Seven brooches a-writing
Six linguistics a-travelling
Five bo-o-o-ooks
Four rob thomas
Three david eddings
Two road trips
...and a sex in a psychology.
12 concerts? Woohoo! :D
In other news, I thought I'd managed to sleep off my wicked headache but it's making a return and thus I have decided not to go to the gathering tonight, being as headaches do not mix well with drunken women singing karaoke. I think I might curl up and read instead - a real, live book on paper, lol. I have one out from the library that I should finish soon and take back before Christmas. Maybe have a bubble bath later cos that sounds nice.
Speaking of, I really need to go get my mother's gift... Tomorrow morning, I guess! We're going to mess with my hair dye in the afternoon. Heh, yesterday at work Paula noticed that the bit underneath has shed almost all of the dye and I had some alternate colour suggestions: maroon, hot pink, turquoise. *laughs* I think I'll stick with the red, thanks!
Also, wtf, Eljay? I'm getting notifs for replies to comments I've made elsewhere, but comments to my own entries are showing up like a day late, and every time I open a new link within Eljay it crashes on me. Not cool.