Things in point form.
~~I woke up exactly one minute before my alarm went off this morning. It allowed me to turn it off and finish listening to the song before getting up, instead of the grate of the CD going off in order for the buzzer to sound. It was much nicer that way.
~~I also had it set for the last possible minute to leave myself just enough time to get ready and get out the door, which I rarely do anymore. I have acquired the habit over the last few weeks of dragging myself out of bed at least a half hour earlier than I used to. It felt kinda strange not to do that or spend any time writing this morning.
~~Alas, this auspicious beginning to the day didn't mean a thing b/c apparently Hell Day decided to just be late to the party at work today. If I heard one more person say my name in that "I need to ask you a question" tone, they will be roundly SMACKED. Oy. My poor manager was either in meetings or dealing with this big mess today and her assistant had a vacation day, so that left guess who as the go-to? Right. Argh.
~~We discovered that we ran out of film in the bad way, of course, when my dad tried to take a picture of THE DEER that was in our backyard at six o'clock this morning!!! Holy shit, dude. A DEER. Apparently they're being driven out of the woods because the blackflies are so damn bad this year. :-( Although I have to admit, that made me giggle b/c my backyard is not exactly an anti-blackfly haven ow. I wish I would have seen it; it's been a really long time since I've seen a deer that close up.
~~I was talking about my car today and I realised that as of next month, I will have had it for six years. That's slightly longer than any of my meaningful, ongoing friendships. *dies* Also, that means that the extended warranty runs out a month from today! *squeak* And July 8th would have been the day that I would have left to drive to Ontario when I'd still planned on going. Tempting fate much there??? Jeez.
~~I have boatloads o'people to interview so it's going to take me a little time to get around to posting questions for all y'all. Obviously I answer in ludicrous detail but I also at least try to come up with good questions so be patient with me. *smooches*
~~I really wish it were a real festival!
~~I've spent waaaaaay too much mental time in hotels in recent weeks. WAY too much time. lol
~~The kickass red extensions in
looking_spiffy's hair have served as a, er, vivid reminder *groaaaan* that I need to redo my streaks. (And get my hair cut, actually, as my bangs are at that grrr stage.) It looks sort of Victorian roses right now. :-/ Interesting, to be sure, but not so much what I want it to look like.
~~Porn is fun.
That is all.