beelzezuk and I had this cracked out idea (okay, we've had several, but this is the one we've taken action on, lol), and we've created
qeverything: Question Everything, a Green Day Concrit Community.
It's a concrit comm for all things "Green Day fic." We need betas! We need people who need betas! And we need people who just like to talk about writing and leave constructive criticism! [/shameless stealing from
beelzezuk's post]
Yes, we have a pretty pretty new comm to go play in. Come play with us. :D
In other news, I'm surprisingly tired after a day spent doing not a lot of anything, lol. But, also after not a lot of sleep. I woke up early and decided to get up instead of going back to sleep as I normally would have on the weekend, so I could eke every second of solitude possible. It's been wonderful to have time alllllll to myself! I'm now pondering food. The one problem with extended periods of time alone with the computer is that I lose all sense of external time and I don't think I even ate dinner yesterday. I can't remember. Clearly I wasn't hungry enough for it to bother me if not. *shrug*