MSN booted me. Stupid program. Oh well, at least I got to talk to my little sis for a bit before she takes off for Mexico with her family! *hugs*
My manicure lasted a week, which is about par for the course for me, lol. I broke a fingernail today and ended up filing them all and painted them black, because my toes are still a perfect, pretty blue and the combination amuses me.
Shockingly, I'm tired, and I think I'll sleep in just a bit. Or maybe not so shockingly as I was up till dawn this morning (/yesterday), although I did get sleep after that. My only problem with going to bed now is that I have no idea whereabouts I am on this burned DVD or how to get back to it if I lose my place LOL. Not that I'd exactly *mind* going through all the interviews and stuff again, but I'd like to finish a full run-through before I start to rewatch it!
Actually, shortly before I went to bed this morning, my cell phone rang and for a minute I was like, WTF I thought
luthien123 &
revid weren't getting together til Saturday! Which they weren't; 'twas
cookie2697 calling from Reno after the Death Cab/Franz concert. :D I hope you did something scandalous, chickiboo! I almost had a heart attack when it rang b/c I had it on the "outdoor" (aka LOUD) setting so that I could hear it if it's stuck in my purse, or over the music; but I'd just turned everything off to go to bed and yeesh it scared me lol.
Bah. You know, I wanted to be in Cali so bad this weekend I could taste it. And if I had a buck for every time I've thought that in the past five years, I would have had enough money to go, too. And speaking of phones, I might be asleep but I will have the damn thing with me!
Was going to do some rambling about stories and kink and such but my brain is heading into sleep mode. I commented back to
itthinghardon about having all this mental backstory that informed
Transferal and while I don't think it would lend itself to creating a new little universe in this case - I think that's one best as a standalone - it's kind of cool to me that this particular story doesn't fit in my usual GD universe *at all* whereas almost everything else I've written does fit in there somewhere, or at least doesn't violate it. But this one was essentially AU, which was unexpected. I am usually a canon girl, albeit adapted for my own use, but still canon. Hell, even my one AU Rosfic is more canon than a lot of canon fic! So I find it interesting for me personally that I apparently needed an AU 'verse to deal with a subject that I have some trouble with. Heh and it actually started as being for the blindfold prompt and once I got into it, it occurred to me that it was probably the one time I would ever be comfortable throwing a collar in the mix.
You know, that's one problem with the
50kinkyways challenge: kinks are rarely singular. The crossover I'm working on (Downtown Whore) has ten million and two different things in it, and so does the other, freakish one that I've tentatively titled, Confectionary. And now that
beelzezuk has posted for the
tattoo prompt, I have no friggin' clue what to do with that prompt b/c all thoughts lead to her story, lol. I'm sure I'll come up with something - later.
Oh look at that. I rambled to explain that I wasn't going to ramble. *headdesk* Sleeeeeeep.