For anyone concerned,
mockingbird39 did email me to let me know she's home safely. And we did have a wonderful time. There are no pictures to share, because Mel and I suck like that. I didn't even bother taking a pic of her at the airport this time since I have one of her at this particular airport already, and I'd forgotten the camera anyway, lol. Seriously, though, even when we both have cameras we end up saying adieu at the airport with unused film. Just one of those things! I will try to take some half-decent pix of my hair this week and post them. I've figured out how to make the style work: it needs to be messy. Like, really messy, which is taking some getting used to.
I picked her up Thursday night and we just sat and talked in the living room, first with my parents (who adore her, my dad especially) and then just us when they went to bed, and the next thing we knew it was two-thirty a.m. so we went to bed, lol. Friday we spent shopping, which is something we always end up doing together. She got some great snarky T-shirts and I actually bought a pair of shorts, which brings my total of shorts-wearable-in-public to two. Hee.
Friday night, we had dinner at this wonderful little Mexican restaurant that I've wanted to go to for a looong time, and then went to see King Konqueror, who were awesome as usual. The opening band needed some more personality - they were musically adept, but needed some tweaking, which made sense when the singer admitted it was their first real show. They could play, though, so they just need to keep playing. Lol, I'd told Mel before that I hadn't seen anyone bad, only sometimes boring, and they totally fell into that category.
We ended up at the Dome after, which is one of the two major dance/nightclub meat markets here. I hadn't been there before, and now that I have I get why my friends say they don't like going b/c you can't dance. Seriously, there's no ROOM on the dance floor to even breathe! You have to kind of sway in place whilst getting knocked on all sides from other people and crunching *glass* underfoot from broken beer bottles. And, dude. I felt fucking short for the rest of the weekend after that, LOL. Between Mel, who's 5'8" in bare feet (and wears high heels), and Mark, who was over 6 feet, and all the other tall people around me, I was having a midget moment for sure. (I'm not quite 5'4" btw.)
Erm, yeah. Mark would be the college boy we acquired at the first bar. Normal bars close at 2 a.m. and the nightclubs can stay open til 3:30, which is why we ended up going to the Dome with him. Oh, and there's Sub Rosa, which isn't licenced and only opens at 2 and runs til 8, just to dance. And I say "we" although he definitely targeted Mel, b/c once he'd figured out that there was no way in hell we were separating he paid attention to me, too. *laughs* He was very sweet, adorable and OMGsoyoung *feels kinda pervy*. The entire situation amused me to no end.
We'd made an appointment to go be girly and have mani/pedicures done at 1 p.m. on Saturday (that gift cert I got for my bday), so we dropped off Mr. Hopeful at his place and went home. Getting our nails done was lots of fun; it's a really nice indulgence to do sometimes. My fingers and toes are now painted Dominant Jeans, hee. It's a pretty light blue. I like it so much I may go buy the polish.
Since we knew we were going to go to Sugar Moon on Sunday, we decided to not go partying Saturday night and maybe see a movie. Drove by the theatre and there wasn't anything either of us were in the mood to see, so we just went into Chapters and got some tea/coffee and sat and talked.
And talked, and talked. We got there a little before 3. At some point, the sun set, and then we noticed we were getting kind of hungry, and then noticed that it was eight-thirty. Heh. Got takeout pizza and stuck a movie in the VCR -
cookie2697, I *finally* watched Almost Famous and I LOVED it - and then headed to bed, since we had to be up so damn early!
So that was my weekend. :D Bah and now I have to go back to work tomorrow. The only non-bright spot was that my friend has been fighting off being sick, like most ppl who haven't gotten it already, and she didn't feel up to coming out Friday with us so Mel didn't get to meet her. That's okay, though. Next time.