Title: A Decent Mistake Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei (TakaNoo) Type: Oneshot Genre: Romance, AU Disclaimer: Boys aren’t mine. Warning: My English is bad.
Tachan, I love you for this! There's fluff! And angst! But the angst doesn't make me feel broken. It may seem like Takaki's using Inoo as a rebound, but there's hope in his words and Inoo's response assures us that someday Takaki will love Inoo just because he is simply Inoo and not someone who made him forget Shohei.
Also! I love how you described the scene ❤ So many beautiful adjectives used. I could not only imagine, but I could also feel the warmth. This was a good one, Tachan! I'm filled with TakaIno energy again 💜💙
mimiiiii, thanks for the lovely comment as well yeah, it's just need some time for yuya to realize inoo is his fated person xD and shohei who? because inoo is the one who's fully giving him concern n loving him so much ughhh im so crazy for this cp ;; it must be good if we could always feel this TakaIno energy every day, every time ;;___;;
YAAAY for Cliffy ending >DDD let me take the opportunity to demand the author for a sequel >DDD
Don't worry Tachan I'm just kidding~ XD I have to write something too before asking you to write more takaino hahaha XDDD /kicked/ but omg I feel so happy after reading this~
Yankee Takaki who knows about Inoo's feeling and use him to forget about shohei TTATT <33333
And the hugggggggg!! THE HUGGGGGG!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ;; myyyyyyy heartttttttt it's too painful too bitter too sweet too nice ugh okay okay calm down lumi calm down ;_;
i know u cant handle takaino lumichan, i know takaino will never get enough dosage for you, >D they are such an irresistible virus, and torture us in harsh way <3
yep, takaki is such a meanie for using inoo's feelings TAT but then its just the beginning, because of course he'll also fall for inoo later because like u said, why would he even bother to notice inoo's feelings if he didnt observe him as well??? ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im crazyyyyyyy TAT
Finally Tachan update ur LJ (≧∇≦)Yuya really bad using inoo to forgetting shohei. BUT!! Eru love that way of this ff Tachan d(^_^o) (≧∇≦) pls write more TakaIno ff again ne~ ☆〜(ゝ。∂)♥︎
thank you eruuuuu right >.< yuya is sooooo cruel, but in the end he'll notice inoo is the best person for him because takaino are meant for each other thanks eru, you always know how to make me feel motivated ^^
Tachan! Finally.. an update from you( ; _ ; ) i miss your fics~ and TakaIno too.. This fic is good! Eventho its angsty but i still like the ending~the hugging TakaIno(><) always likes your writing~ thank you for the update!
yes, finally i updated my journal, bcs this otp feeling is bursting out lol i couldnt handle it anymore yes, eventually, takaki will realize inoo is the one and only for him ;)
Comments 17
SPOT! Imma comment after I read this! Thank you in advance for the TakaIno 💜💙
There's fluff! And angst! But the angst doesn't make me feel broken. It may seem like Takaki's using Inoo as a rebound, but there's hope in his words and Inoo's response assures us that someday Takaki will love Inoo just because he is simply Inoo and not someone who made him forget Shohei.
Also! I love how you described the scene ❤ So many beautiful adjectives used. I could not only imagine, but I could also feel the warmth. This was a good one, Tachan! I'm filled with TakaIno energy again 💜💙
yeah, it's just need some time for yuya to realize inoo is his fated person xD and shohei who? because inoo is the one who's fully giving him concern n loving him so much ughhh im so crazy for this cp ;;
it must be good if we could always feel this TakaIno energy every day, every time ;;___;;
The feelings are overflowing! Thank you for writing this. TwT
thanks so much for reading and yeah i wonder why did i come up with angst but inoo's one-sided love to takaki is too real <3
YAAAY for Cliffy ending >DDD let me take the opportunity to demand the author for a sequel >DDD
Don't worry Tachan I'm just kidding~ XD I have to write something too before asking you to write more takaino hahaha XDDD /kicked/ but omg I feel so happy after reading this~
Yankee Takaki who knows about Inoo's feeling and use him to forget about shohei TTATT <33333
And the hugggggggg!! THE HUGGGGGG!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ;; myyyyyyy heartttttttt it's too painful too bitter too sweet too nice ugh okay okay calm down lumi calm down ;_;
i know u cant handle takaino lumichan, i know takaino will never get enough dosage for you, >D they are such an irresistible virus, and torture us in harsh way <3
yep, takaki is such a meanie for using inoo's feelings TAT but then its just the beginning, because of course he'll also fall for inoo later
because like u said, why would he even bother to notice inoo's feelings if he didnt observe him as well??? ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im crazyyyyyyy TAT
Otsukaresama ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Finally Tachan update ur LJ (≧∇≦)Yuya really bad using inoo to forgetting shohei. BUT!! Eru love that way of this ff Tachan d(^_^o) (≧∇≦) pls write more TakaIno ff again ne~ ☆〜(ゝ。∂)♥︎
right >.< yuya is sooooo cruel, but in the end he'll notice inoo is the best person for him because takaino are meant for each other
thanks eru, you always know how to make me feel motivated ^^
This fic is good! Eventho its angsty but i still like the ending~the hugging TakaIno(><) always likes your writing~ thank you for the update!
i miss you too ;;_;;
yes, finally i updated my journal, bcs this otp feeling is bursting out lol i couldnt handle it anymore
yes, eventually, takaki will realize inoo is the one and only for him ;)
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