Aug 29, 2010 10:55

Woke up around 8:30am, so we got about 6 hours of sleep. Fredric Lehne (YED)’s panel was at 9:25am, much too early, but we went and had fun. Freddy is funny and has tons of experience and he was the first actor to curse without apology up on stage.
We then zipped upstairs for our photo op with him (I want him to be my uncle), zipped back down for Rob Benedict (Chuck)’s panel (He’s so adorably awkward!), zipped up again for our photo op with him, back down for Matt’s second panel (he’s a better dancer than he lets on), and then up once more to grab our Richard photo op prints and head up to the room to eat.

Shared an elevator with Matt. He complimented our singing the previous night at Karaoke and I complimented his dancing.

Grabbed our laptops and explored the interwebz for a bit.

Oh, I forgot to mention our new buddy Emily. We met her while we were waiting in line for autographs Friday night and talked about acting and a Supernatural miniseries thing she and a friend are doing. Hung out with her some more at Karaoke and then ran into her several times on Saturday.

Andie: When we got back to the room we talked to my momma (Jilligan) and went for a walk. We saw a street chalk artist named Sing doing his rendition of the Mona Lisa. Très chouette. We walked into the Fairmont so Jilligan could use the restroom and Andrea and I went into the Snowflake store so we could take a picture of the most hideous purse in existence. We headed back to the hotel for Misha Collins photo ops but not before making a stop in a quaint little grocers that did NOT have milk in a bag. :C We swerved away from Jilligan to go get in line for the photo ops and waited with bated breath (or none at all) until we reached the room. When we passed the partition and saw him… I can’t even describe the intense feelings I/we experienced. I got to the front of the line and it was my turn. He said hello and winked at me and I think I said hello back and I died a little and he is very tall and beautiful and everything right in the universe.

[Me again: Misha is a lot taller than I expected. I said, “Hi,” and he said, “Hi…” sorta like this:

and I said, “….Hi,” and then he said, “How are you?” and I said, “Good, thanks,” and then we took the photo and he said, “Thank you,” and I said, “Thank you,” and then I walked over to Andie and said, “Ohmygod he‘s so tall.” And that was basically it.]

As we walked out we collapsed on the ground (and out of the way of traffic) and checked the schedule. We walked by Emily and gave her the Reader’s Digest version and headed back to the room where we realized that we had missed Fredric’s autograph session and felt very bad for two minutes before the endorphins kicked back in and we had a little spazz-out. [/Andie's POV]

Misha’s panel:

Someone asked him an FMK with Dean, Sam and Cas, except they said “shag” because they didn’t want to curse, and then Misha said, “Well, I’ve always wanted to fuck myself.” (And he’d marry Dean and kill Sam.)

Another person asked how Misha felt about Jensen calling him a whore and he moped around the stage for a bit and asked, “Was he kidding? He was joking, right? He probably didn’t mean it… Do you think he meant it?”

He auctioned off his bloody band-aid that he signed for a sick woman. It sold for $50.

He wore his jacket inside out for all the photo ops and didn’t notice until he got on stage and then he spilled water on his pants and said, “This is like that nightmare you have when you’re eight. Wearing your clothes inside out in front of a crowd and spilling something on yourself so it looks like you peed your pants.”

He started to assemble a Build your Own Stonehenge on stage, but gave up.

He insulted George Bush and Sarah Palin.

Someone asked if he’d gone anywhere touristy here in Vancouver, but he thought they said “tryst” and said, “Well, yes, I just had a tryst on a dirt path in Stanley Park.”

He brought out some food from backstage which he shared with some people in the front row.

Someone asked what was the funniest thing that had happened to him while working on Supernatural and he said, “Well, Jared thought this was really funny,” and proceeded to tell about getting over a hundred $0.50 texts (because he was here in Vancouver) from Jared for his birthday at 2 in the morning. Karma came back to bite him in the ass though, because he accidentally sent all of those texts from his American phone.

A girl mentioned his short film and asked if he wanted to eventually direct longer films. He said he wants to do the opposite; directing shorter and shorter films until he gets to a single frame photograph.

Someone asked Misha to talk about Random Acts and he was like (I‘m paraphrasing again), “Okay. I just want to clean something up. Some people expressed concern as to whether or not the money is being put towards a proper cause, so I just wanted to say that only 5% is goes toward killing baby pandas. We have the school children hunt them, it’s a learning experience. And it’s only 5% guys.”

Autograph session took forever, as expected. Finally got up there at 11pm-ish.

Samantha Smith is really pretty. She cut her hair and it looks fabulous. Also, she was wearing a really cute top and locket. (And drinking some sort of alcohol.)

I totally drew a blank when I got to Rob Benedict. He took my poster-thing and signed it and was like, “There you go,“ and I was like, “Thank yooou,” and then we sorta just smiled at each other for a few seconds before he said, “Well… See you around,” and I smiled some more. (Now I’m kicking myself, because I really wanted to mention how much I like Louden Swain and how I just bought their CD, but was looking forward to their next one, but he was just to smiley and awkwardly cute and… Blank. Guh.)

Misha was tired. That was my first thought when I got to him. Beautiful, yes, but very tired. I pulled out my Christmas tree topper!Cas and he picked it up for a second and it sorta seemed like he thought it was a gift, so I was about to clarify that I just wanted him to sign it, but he asked me to hold on a second while he talked to a staff member. He asked if that was the end of the line like he was considering leaving early, but then he said, “Fuck it.” While he was distracted, he grabbed the poster-thing and started to sign it, so I took back topper!Cas and he looked at me funny, so I explained that I was going to have him sign topper!Cas, but the poster-thing was fine, too. He said, “No, here, I’m not afraid,” and signed topper!Cas, too. I told him what it was and that Andie made him for me and he said, “Excellent use of pipe cleaner.” (for his wings). I thanked him for staying so long when he was obviously exhausted and he said no problem, see you next time, *wink*. Yes. That took longer to tell than I meant it to.

(About the autograph session in Andie‘s words: It’s like being a deer in headlights. Glorious, shining, beautiful headlights. Diamond headlights. And you can’t do anything about it, because you’re just staring at the magnificence and you can‘t speak because you‘re a fuckin’ deer. And then you get hit because you’re a fuckin’ deer and you never escape. Everyone gets hurt!)

Upstairs to bed.



vancouver con, vancouver, supernatural, canada, vancon

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