"You have the right to remain silent."

Jun 03, 2004 10:03

Gah. not a very good week. I got grounded. For good reason tho.
So Myself and a few friends got caught doing illegal stuffage. got charged. We're banned from that property for a year. Season passes we're taken away.
I'm not allowed online. coz of mi madre. yeah. Bleh it kinda sux coz now i cant see jay unless she comes to my semi 6-11. Mrs. collina had to bail us out of Loss Prevention place. She told all of us that she loved us and that everyone makes mistakes. ha. yeah i make lotsa them. she asked me if i wanted to write them a letter explaining some crap to them. I sed no. yeah she sed it would lessen the charges but i am just so ahh right now. My whole body is sore. not because of anything that happened. idk. my hip is bruised even tho i didnt do anything to it. ANGER! I am onli able to update in skool.

I will try. I had a really long conversation with my mom. first one in like 5yrs. gah. it feels weird talking to her again. Asked if she ever got caught. she sed she never DID anything to get caught for. all she did was run away. i've done that a cupple times to. but she never calls in the swine. she always comes looking for me. coz shes a good momma. but yeah. i have to work a lot over the summer for a few reasons. A- to pay off the fines from 6flags and from Criminal Tresspass thinger.
B- to keep myself busy, and under parental guidance. momma sed i HAVE to find somewhere to be everyday over the summer so that i'm not home alone.
She doesnt trust me. she told me that i have to regain her trust. and that it will take her a LONG time to get over this. longer then the others times i've fucked up.

But this is also a lot worse than the other times. because it was a skool trip, and because it involves the cops/courts. so yeah. i'm not sapposed to go anywhere without a parent, essepcially to shops. and no one can come over, unless she's there and its for something important. she sed she would think about jay coming to semi and staying the night. I kind of want to tell her about jay. like really talk with her. i noe shes not comfortable with jay being called jay and not johanna. but yeah.

haha that reminds me. Sami and Breyanna were fighting over if jay was a guy or a girl. lol. Breyanna sed she was a girl, Sami sed she was a guy. lolness. it was great. my mom sed girl. i sed girl (a duh.) but sami didnt believe any of us. it was funni as hell. okay well yeah.

I have to go now. coz it is almost H period. Gah. i have reading next. we have our 4th meeting. we are going to fail next if we dont give her better roll sheets. ass.
I have to talk to Heather and Jay after work. coz heather sed she wnts to talk to me. i'm nervous. i dont wanna make her hate me too. like ashley does. it makes me mad that ashley and some other ppl hate me. :0( and sad too. but yeah jay told me to be good coz if i fuck it up with her she will hurt me. bleh.

okay well i have to work afterskool and idk. if anyone wants to call me you can still do that. my momma sed she was thinking about taking it away. but she wont unless something dumb happens again. so imma be a good child until i get my pc back and her trust. Eek. this is gunna be hard.

Rawr! call me you mean ppl! 5283!

Jay i dont kare wut you say i do feel this way for a reason.


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