Jun 05, 2005 15:07
HOLY CRAP! we're almost juniors.. what a scary thought. I'm kind of sad because im afraid i wont be able to keep up friendships with everybody id like to over the summer.. so thats my goal. I have some pretty awesome partys coming up that may help. I'm also sad that so many of my friends are graduating/leaving! Mel is going to San Fransisco, Emilys goign to wisconsin, bianas going back to holland..it sucks. At least like jammie and brit are going to the u of m so hopefully they'll be around. but ugh.
speaking of ugh, my mom practically broke my heart today by telling me going to college in florida is definitly out of the question.. it sucks. florida is like the only logical place to go to study aeronautics. but i think theres a college in michigan that offers it as a major so i guess thats the next place to beg mom to let me go (might not be so bad because then i could go boarding more) but if thats a no I dont know what to do because i dont think theres much in MN. but we'll see..
so last night was henrys birthday party. It was a lot of fun. There were tons of people there and im glad i got to hang out with all of them.
I should be studying for all 3 of my tests tomorrow.. sick! but instead im fooling around on my brothers computer. I love his laptop because my mom thinks im in my room studying but instead im just not. I had been studying for a couple hours this morning and then kristy, alex and I decided we all needed a break so we went out to lunch at fridays. It was a lot of fun since we used to hang out together, the three of us, alll the time. once a week at least. so it was fun to do that again. especially blaring spanish music down mainstreet and dancing. anyways now that im rambling i think im going to leave.. and put my raincoat on that i just got yesterday, its so pretty!