A - Age Of Your First Kiss -14
B - Band Listening To Right Now -Guster
C - Crush -Eh don't go there... to stressful but yea anyways
D - Dad's Name -Bill
E - Easiest Person To Talk To - kristy, brittney and lately mr. alexlee
F - Favorite Band At The Moment -jack johnson (not really 'band' but close enough)
G - Gummy Worms or Gummy Bears? gummy worms
H - Hometown -Rochester,MN
I - Instrument -Trumpet and acoustic guitar
J - Junior High School -many years ago when i was quite young and short I attended Hopkins West Junior High School
K - Kids -Do I want them? some day
L - Longest Car Ride Ever -however long it takes to drive to florida
M - Mom's Name -Nancy
N - Nickname- TIGER!,Kate,Short one,Katelyn, Oh my, pesky..
O - One Wish -not one id necessarily like to share..
P - Phobias -um not really any, sometimes small spaces
Q - Quote -"Turn up the bass drum!" -Rivers Cuomo
R - Reason To Smile -Rain! and friends! yay
S - Song You Last Sang Out Loud -I think that would be Goodnight, Goodnight with Kristy
T - Time You Woke Up Today -haha like 6:45
U - Unknown Fact About Me -My birthday is in 2 months and 22 day!
V - Vegetable You Hate -Lima beans
W - Worst Habit(s) -cracking my knuckles
X - Xrays You've Had -one on my stomach i think
Y - Yummy Food -Well I'm starting to really like dark chocolate
Z - Zodiac - Sometimes a LEo and sometimes Virgo.. mostly leo