(no subject)

Sep 20, 2004 00:58

nothing much new going on. had a party for paul's b-day at my house on friday, which went very well. no fights, no cops, and everyone seemed to have a good time. and it got us motivated to finally decorate the basement properly, and it looks damn good. now all thats left is framing some pictures and i'll be pretty much done decorating for a while. gotta get my car to get looked at because its leaking oil, quite an annoyance because every 3 months or so i'm almost completely out of oil. it does it pretty slowly so its not even very evident its happening except that my oil light comes on.

ran into chris pirerra at work today and he told me that kati laws died of a heroin overdose. it makes me so sad thinking of my old friends. thinking of all the fun times we used to have and how far behind us those times really are. i hadn't seen kati in years because when we were in high school she had moved away, and had trouble staying in contact with any of her friends because her parents didn't want her to. obviously they kept her away from the wrong people. she was a really sweet girl, fun, energetic, but definitely always a follower, she would go along with whatever anyone else was doing. i can't even count how many of my old friends have gotten addicted to drugs. its sickening. that something can take that strong a hold over your life that it completely ruins you. and it also makes me so angry because they all know better. even trying heroin in the first place, we all know what the end is to that story. once you start its just a downward spiral. last i heard, kristin and marc were on the methadone program, its been a while since i've seen them, i hope they're still doing well, because even though they made mistakes thats at least working in the right direction.

whenever i run into an old friend who is actually doing well now i breathe a sigh of relief. wow another actually made it. its a depressing way to think. chris says he's doing well, and i just ran into joanna last week and she's still as level-headed as ever. nick nemphos just messaged me on myspace and i hadn't talked to him in forever, but he seems to be doing well too. and people wonder why i don't hang out with that many different people. all i ask of friends is not to be a junkie or a liar, and probably some other obvious bad traits. but apparently thats not so easy to find. i'm happy with the people i associate with now. it may not be many, but at least those few people are ones i can trust.


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