(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 16:53

i'm finally getting to go away this weekend, this trip has been planned for so long it felt like it would never come! going to hartford, connecticut to see uncle fred (robert englund) and all of this. getting pretty damn excited about it!

in other news, johnny gave me the dates he'll be back in baltimore. the july 31st weekend, through monday or tuesday, and then he'll go to florida for a few weeks and come back through, not sure of an exact date for that. we have decided to throw a party on the 31st though, to celebrate him being home, his cousin sam's birthday, and whatever else anyone wants to throw in there. i told him we can do whatever he wants while he's here, since he hasn't been back in 3 years whatever he wants to see/do is what he gets to see/do.

also made plans and reservations to go to the ocean city hair show sept 19-21. that's pretty far away though so i can't get too excited yet, but there are a lot of classes i'll be very happy to take.

saturday we had a surprise party for my aunt michele's 60th birthday. missed the beginning, but she was very surprised! it was 60s themed so everyone looked like hippies. we decided to keep with the theme and take a walk and smoke a joint. good times :)

went to rick's to celebrate his birthday on sunday. drank margaritas and played mad libs. i forgot how much fun they are. i bought a mad libs book today while at the craft store trying to find a poster tube.

something funny and ridiculous happened yesterday. rachel and i got cussed out and threatened because some dumbass thought we were "racist"! LOL that's something i've never been called before. a (white) woman brought her (mixed race) teenage daughter in for a haircut. the girl's hair is basically a long giant poof ball fro that looks like it would need a conditioning treatment to even get a brush through. rachel asked everyone working if they felt comfortable doing her hair, and we all said no. we have several other stylists that weren't working last night that work well with that texture of hair, and rachel tried to offer for her to come back another time when someone who is comfortable working with her hair type is working. basically any day but that day. the girl's mother FLIPS THE FUCK OUT with her ghetto accent screaming and cussing and calling us racist. she wanted to speak to a manager (me) and i told her basically the same thing rachel did. that we're trying to be honest with you and tell you that the people working tonight don't feel confident they can do a good job with her hair, and we don't want to do a bad job and then you'll be uphappy, but we can offer you other stylists that work other days. she tried to say that "if you wet it down it's exactly like white hair". (no, it's definitely not. but i'm just the one with a degree in this field, what do i know)

i barely said anything to her and she started cussing me out almost immediately, calling me racist, and when i said "we have a black stylist" (meaning how are we possibly racist) she took that as me saying "only black people can do black hair". her daughter literally dragged her out of the shop, i felt so bad for her, she must have been so embarrassed. as i was saying "we also have a white stylist and an asian stylist that could do her hair but you didn't get the chance to hear that part" she said "you better stop fucking talking or i'm gonna punch you in the mouth". i said calmly "you go ahead and do that then". neither rachel or i said anything remotely confrontational or derogatory to her, we both kept our cool and didn't even yell at her.

she then called 10 minutes later, SCREAMING on the phone to rachel that she called her sister who's a stylist (then why didn't you take her to your sister for the haircut?) and she said that if you can do one kind of hair you can do any kind of hair (BULLSHIT! every other african american client knows this and when they walk in they ask if anyone is working that can do their type of hair) . then she threatened to call her lawyer and said that she and her "black boyfriend" will be back at 9pm when we close so they can kick "you and that other bitch's asses". she also said she would be back the next day to talk to our owner. ky said if she comes back ever again we call security and have her escorted out.

so we called security, let them know what was up, and they walked us to our cars at 9. and, surprise surprise, she was nowhere to be found. maybe she realized how much of a psycho she was being! all of our other customers in the shop at the time thought it was hilarious too. once she finally left everyone was like "wow what a crazy bitch!". the funny thing was, there was a black couple right behind her trying to pay and the black girl said "she kept looking at me like i was supposed to agree with her cause i'm black or something. i wasn't gonna agree with her!" if anyone were to look around our salon at all they would laugh at the idea of us being racist. more than half of our staff is not white. but some people are always looking for a reason to pull the race card. we just laugh it off and realize that there's lots of crazy people in this world, we're bound to run into some from time to time.

johnny, party, family, rachel, horror convention, adventures, work, craziness

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