my trip to the wella studio, nyc

May 05, 2009 16:51

pictures to come soon, but what an amazing weekend!

amy, heather, arisa, and i left saturday night for our trip to new york. the hotel we stayed at was actually the same one i stayed at 3 years ago for the horror convention in secaucus, nj (, which was pretty weird considering i had no hand in deciding that. it rained quite a bit while we were gone but never that bad that we even needed an umbrella, and we had no problem with directions (thanks, garmin!)

amy and i had to be at class ("essential color" at the wella studio in rockefeller plaza from 10am-4pm sunday and monday), and heather and arisa just came along for the ride. had to wake up at 8am and be on the bus to nyc by 9am to make it on time.

we weren't sure quite how far away from the bus terminal our class was, so on sunday we decided to take a cab to be on the same side. big mistake. our cab driver was fucking retarded and drove us a good 20 blocks in the wrong direction. the street we were on was one-way and we needed to go the opposite way, and he was trying to turn left to do that but it was all blocked off that way due to some kind of crazy bicycle thing going down the next street over. so he just kept driving up and realizing they were all blocked and saying "what do you want me to do?" and i kept saying "whatever you need to do to get us going the right way!" and "we're going the wrong way, you gotta turn us around". finally he realized that he could do the same thing by turning right instead and did that from the left lane through 3 lanes of traffic. psycho! cost us $16.50 and if we weren't in such a hurry i would have argued it, but we were already late at that point after being in the fucking cab for half an hour so we paid and he did not get a tip (we waited for all change, the 50 cents and everything).

we hauled ass over there but had to cross the street where the bikes were to get there, there was no way around that. so we had to dodge hundreds of racing bicycles across, and we somehow made it without dying. we were about 10 minutes late but at least we weren't the only ones, they hadn't started the class yet.

the studio is inside the building where a lot of nbc shows are filmed, and the famous ice skating rink/x-mas tree are. this place is so huge and the studio is beautiful (we had class in studio 2). the doors like like fogged up ice and the handles look like hands. the floor is white marble with little pieces of broken glass in it that reflect light like a rainbow.

our class is taught by 2 gay guys, one hispanic guy with a mohawk with blue in it, and one neat black guy with dreads with an affinity for interior decorating. there were maybe 15 of us in the class. first 2 hours of the class was theory, and we went over literally everything i could possibly think of related to color theory and how wella products work. i've been using their products for 7 years and i still felt like i learned a ton. we made the color wheel with play-doh. got lunch at noon for an hour, and after that we got to work on live models.

amy and i were able to work together both days. the first day was working with color touch and cellophanes, and the second day we could use koleston perfect, blondor, and everything else. once we were done we had to present our models to the class and say what we used and why. it was really interesting to see how everyone works differently and what everyone came up with. during our breaks we went exploring in the building, it's so big you can definitely get lost in there.

when we left class the first day, we decided to try walking back to the bus terminal to see how long it takes. only 20-30 minutes, so we could have walked there in the morning and not had to pay our stupid car driver. decided that's what we would do monday morning. heather and arisa didn't even leave the hotel yet by the time we were done class sunday, so we met them back at the hotel and got some food before catching the bus back to nyc for some sightseeing and museums.

went to madame tussaud's wax museum and ripley's believe it or not odditorium, which are located right next to each other in the middle of time's square.

we took a ridiculous amount of pictures, posing with and molesting wax figures. we definitely had way more fun than anyone else there, we could not stop laughing from the ridiculousness of it all. the pictures will tell it better than i can with words for sure. the ripley's museum had a few things that are similar to the one in ocean city, but many more things as well. this one has the biggest collection of real shrunken heads! went shopping in a few more stores afterwards, but by now amy and i were extremely tired and of course it was getting late.

while we were in class monday, heather and arisa got to sleep in a little but we had to be checked out by 12, so they had to pack everything in the car for us and then took the bus to the city. they had lunch and drinks at applebees and went shopping at sephora. there are so many more people out on mondays it's unbelievable. the bus stops were so full only half the people could fit on the bus and it was near impossible to get a table to eat in rockefeller plaza. it's just amazing to me how it's even possible that so many people are all in one place. any time of day or night new york city is hopping.

we left around 5pm and made it back by 8, no problem with traffic, just the annoyance of rain. i feel so much better just having a few days to get away from maryland it's unbelievable. this trip was truly what i have been needing for a long time.

richie also had a great weekend while we were gone. saturday night he got to see one of his favorite bands, fear before, and has a friend who works at fletchers so he was able to hang out with the band and even smoked weed with them! he happened to find a wallet and ended up meeting the guy who it belonged to by chance, turns out he owns a record store and is very well connected in the business, knows a lot of bands personally that richie likes too. the guy was so thankful to him they ended up hanging out sunday and he took him out to a nice dinner and let him order anything on the menu.

i feel like vacation means different things to different people, and we all got that this weekend. to me it was being in different surroundings and not having to think about everyday life, being somewhere new (well i've been to ny before but all new experiences), and feeling i've accomplished something (learning new things about hair color, taking part 1 of 3 classes i need to be a certified color specialist, getting over my fear of taking buses and traveling in unfamiliar places). i was also super happy to be able to go to museums with people who love them as much as i do. to heather it was being able to do whatever they wanted at any time (getting to sleep in, eat junk food, go shopping). and for richie it was seeing a band he loves, meeting new people, and not having to worry about what time it was, just doing whatever he wanted. most of all a vacation is about having fun, having new experiences, and not having to worry about anything. this weekend was amazing and EXACTLY what i needed.

new york, friends, happy!, museums, adventures, hair, vacation

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