(no subject)

Aug 12, 2007 19:43

so here's the rest of the stuff that's been going on lately. heather moved in with mike, in a place he's renting in elkton. that's like an hour away, it's ridiculous. heather quit working at the shop (for several reasons) and is now enjoying being a "housewife" as she puts it. basically mike told her she doesn't have to work, since he's making enough money for both of them, and she can do all the stuff they both need to do while he's at work. he also convinced her to trade in her old car for a 94 mustang, which he's paying off for her. their snakes are still here temporarily, and her cats are staying here because we agreed they get along so well it would be a shame to break them up. she just comes here and cleans out the litterbox almost every day, and gives me money to pay for their expenses. they're supposed to get the rest of her stuff out of the room tomorrow, and then we can do something with that room, possibly put the computer/ebay stuff in there and who knows what else.

the middle room turned out awesome, it's mostly done now. the walls are magenta and black, and we bought these
to stick on the walls, which we had a blast doing. i also bought this really cool antique vanity from the 1930's. it has one big mirror in the middle, and 2 smaller ones on the sides that move so you can see all angles, and it has a bunch of drawers where i now keep all my makeup and jewelry. i love it!

i (well we all) recently found out that my dad's dad has cancer and they basically told him he has 90 days to live. he had a tumor on his leg that got so big it actually fractured a bone, and it has spread throughout his body. we were supposed to go see him today (he lives in pennsylvania, it's around 3 hours away from what i can remember) but my dad called and said we weren't going this weekend, possibly next weekend we'll go or the one after that. then a few days after that, my dad's brother got an xray for an injury to his rib, and they found a spot on his lung. they're pretty sure it's the kind that's easily operated on and is not far along yet, so he should be fine. but if he never got hurt he may not have found it for a long time! so my dad is kinda freaking out now, he's getting a full physical to make sure he doesn't have anything. my dad and his brother want to quit smoking together, so hopefully that happens, but i'm not getting my hopes up on my dad quitting since he's been trying to quit/coming up with excuses why he isn't quitting since before i was born. but if anything will give him the motivation this is it.

been hanging out with maia and anthony a lot lately. we're going to the ocean with them from the 27th to the 29th. we were gonna have a hotel, but then my customer kim offered to let me stay at the place she has there! so hopefully that works out, that would save us a lot of money.

and i'm finally getting tattooed on tuesday! i have an appointment and everything so it's gonna happen this time. my first time getting tattooed THIS YEAR what the fuck is up with that?

house stuff, painting, heather&mike

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