peace is becoming an obtainable goal

Jul 03, 2007 12:17

so when nick said asap he really meant asap. he completely moved everything out by sunday night. and of course he left the room a complete wreck, which heather and i took 2-3 hours cleaning that night. there were stains on the carpet that i asked him to use oxyclean on at least 6 months ago and he never did. the oxyclean did lighten them, but they're still there. luckily i still had those area rugs that johnny gave me from his place, and those covered the large (used to be red but now orange) stains pretty well. we even had to wipe down the walls! how the hell do you get shit all over the walls anyway? it looks so much better now already. heather now just needs my dad to bring over some stuff that she had stored at his house and she can have that room back as hers again!

i made a decision a while back and it's been enforced in my mind even more now. no more roommates ever again. i'm done with other people trashing my house and not caring because it doesn't belong to them. and i'm done having fights with people who are supposed to be my friends over money. nick has been so ridiculous about money to me so many times.

he was pissed at me because he had given me an extra $120 that was supposed to be towards his share of next month's expenses, and i told him he's not getting it back for a few reasons. he only gave me 2 days notice therefore making it impossible for me to budget since i was expecting to have a certain amount of money from him, and because certain expenses aren't going to change for me that quickly. like even though he's gone now, BGE hasn't billed me for up to june 30th yet, and obviously he's used (probably a hell of a lot of) electricity up until that point. also, he trashed my room, the carpet is ruined, and he still didn't even paint the door he broke (he patched the hole but didn't paint over it so it still looks like shit). i consider it to be like a security deposit. if anything he should owe me money because i'm going to have to put money out to make the house look like it did when he moved in. but obviously he didn't think about or get any of that because he's never owned anything in his life except his car, which is also completely trashed.

people who live in places they don't own generally just don't have the same respect for the place as those who own it. i've worked damn hard to get this house, and i work hard to keep it nice. it frustrates me so bad when someone else just doesn't give a fuck about that and lets it get destroyed because they're too lazy to clean up after themselves. i just don't understand what's so hard about cleaning up a mess right when you make it. i think that's my #1 pet peeve, dealing with other people's (especially food) messes. it's so rude to leave your mess for someone else to deal with! everyone who's ever lived with me knows how i feel about this and could tell you that's what i bitch about the most. yet certain people just kept doing the same thing i constantly bitched about over and over again. it just comes down to the fact that nick did not respect my wishes for my house, he constantly fought me on it, even though it's a very simple request. i like my house to be clean (even a little clutter is ok as long as it's not dirty and full rotten old food) and look nice. it's important to me because as long as people clean up after themselves my house usually does look really nice! i've put so much effort into making it so.

i'm just glad to be done with that whole ordeal really. i'm done fighting him like i'm the mom and he's the child. he's obviously never going to change, and he's probably going to ruin will's house too, but that's not my problem. he was always fighting with me because i didn't want him to invite 295378573 of his "friends" (more like drinking acquaintences he met on myspace or at sonar) over here all the time because they wreck the house and i don't trust them since most of the time he barely knew half of them. so i guess he can do that at will's now, at least he thinks he can. still going to be living under someone else's roof, and i'm sure he'll find that no matter where he lives, as long as it's not his, he'll still have to follow some rules. i wonder if once he finds out what will won't let him do if he'll pull the whole "you're so mean" crap on him too.

brian is still here, but not for much longer. not that he causes much trouble anyway, he pretty much keeps to himself. but he is still in the basement, and we haven't been able to do what we plan to do with it since he's still there. i don't have any problems with him, but i'll be happy when it's just me, heather, and richie. i've been needing to make my life less complicated for a long time. home should be where you want to come to relax, not the primary source of stress.

roommates, nick, house stuff, frustration, rants

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