Title: Turning Chill
Rating: PG for language
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Kuchiki Rukia to Kurosaki Ichigo
Author's Notes: Just fyi, the premise that I'm writing these on is a post-canon situation where Ichigo is in college and has gone off to America for a semester abroad, and he and Rukia are writing letters back and forth (at her demand). Those who are keeping up with the series will notice that their letters are slowly starting to have more actual content and less bickering as they start to realize that they actually do miss getting to talk to each other and spend time together.
Ichigo -
If you aren't an asshole, you certainly do a good job acting like one. And what the hell is that supposed to mean, of course Renji likes me. He's my friend, we grew up together. Hell, we're practically like siblings. Of course he likes me. But that doesn't mean I'm spoiled. And I didn't run from the airplane, I just moved away from it because it was noisy, idiot!
You really should join that whiner's club. It might help you. Like that thing I saw on the TV, that program with the steps in it. Twelve of them, I think. Maybe you should go to that too. Or maybe just talk to him, you might find that he's actually a decent person. Just.... weird.
And just because of that, I AM going to join it, to prove you wrong. So there.
It's getting cold here, Inoue says it might snow tonight if the temperature drops enough. Is it snowing where you are too? Ishida said Nyuu has about the same climate as Karakura, so it's probably cold there too I guess. Yuzu's worrying that you don't have enough warm things so I told her I'd put a hat in the box for you. I made sure it's the Chappy one, you should be grateful. I wouldn't let just anyone wear it.
Hunting's going about the same as usual, but it's almost a little bit too quiet at times. Makes me wonder if something's brewing again. Hopefully not, we don't need to deal with anything like that again anytime soon. Matt doesn't sound like he's that bad of a guy, you should try and make friends with him. If he really can see spirits, you know, he's potentially in danger.
Oh, a letter came for you from Arisawa, I put it in here too since I guess she forgot that you're over there until March or so. It's strange, the way all you humans spread out and go so many different places. Why doesn't everyone go to the same place to learn, the way it is in Seireitei? That would make a lot more sense.
Yuzu says thank you for the picture and that she'd love some recipes. She also wants to know if you're going to be coming home for Christmas or not. I told her only jerks wouldn't come home for Christmas so you don't have to worry about deciding anything since I did it for you. Oh, and this time I drew on the letter too, just so you could enjoy my drawings~