Title: New Hobbies
Rating: PG for language
Fandom: Bleach
Character: Kuchiki Rukia to Kurosaki Ichigo
Author's Notes: Just fyi, the premise that I'm writing these on is a post-canon situation where Ichigo is in college and has gone off to America for a semester abroad, and he and Rukia are writing letters back and forth (at her demand)
Rukia -
I am NOT an asshole. And what the hell do you mean, I should take lessons from Renji?! There's no WAY he's better than me at anything. And you're an idiot if you think he's gonna pretend to enjoy something like that. He only does it because he likes you.... You just think everyone's gonna pretend like they like shit to make you happy. You're like some spoiled kid.
I did NOT run from it, you bitch! Not the way you ran from that airplane. And you can't kick me from across the ocean, idiot. Not that I'm afraid of you anyway.
I swear, if you painted that stupid rabbit's ugly face on my wall....
I do NOT whine all the time! And I only care if he paints the stupid room black because it's MY stupid room too and I have to look at it all the fucking time. At least he leaves my tea alone. He's addicted to coffee, but it's not like I care what he drinks. Just as long as he keeps his damned nailpolish out of MY part of the bathroom. It's irritating enough that he drinks about 8 cups of the stuff a day, the whole place smells like it constantly and I have to listen to that stupid pot bubbling all the time.
Tell Inoue thanks for the keychain thing. It's..... purple. And don't join the sewing club, that's totally gay. Besides, anything that you make'll just come out looking like crap. Like all your drawings. Speaking of which, the hell'd you have to draw all over the damned envelope for, I don't want to see that crap all the time, especially not after I got away from it.
It means just what I SAID, moron. "How's the hunting going?". And I bet you are sitting there trembling. Bet you're wishing I was there already.
I'm NOT writing to my dad, so just tell him to shut the hell up and leave you alone, you know you don't have to be so damned nice to him all the time. Especially not since he already knows who you really are. You're just being stupid. Tell Yuzu thanks for the picture, I sent one back for her. It's this thing called the Empire State Building, in New York. It's a pretty neat building, you can go all the way up to the top the same way you can in Tokyo Tower, but the architecture's totally different. Matt made me go -- he's that crazy guy in my lab class, the one who thinks he sees ghosts. I just went to shut him up -- and he apparently likes to take stupid pictures.
Anyway, I don't need it, so Yuzu can have it. Tell her I'll send her some American recipes if she wants.