Mar 23, 2013 18:54
So, I've been informed I've not posted here often. Well, certainly that's true. See, I moved my computer down to the living room, and it is now the house computer, and the computer upstairs to replace it is as slow as molasses in the middle of a Canadian winter. Not really conducive to me doing much on it. This means posting here is problematic, since I don't have the privacy usually to do much here, and I've been kind of busy doing other things. I've got FaceBook, where I throw off some quick thoughts from time to time - and I don't hit G+ nearly as often as I should it seems.
So what news? Well, I've been writing like hell lately, trying to get Trionfi out. It's pushing close to 180 pages - almost all of which is the player section. I may have a co-writer finally, someone who can go through it, make sure everything's making sense and looking good, and so forth. I'm hoping to have some solid artwork for CanGames this year, nice and coloured and everything, and I'm looking forward to the playtest then.
Once this draft is finished, it'll go up on IndieGoGo, and I hope to get it crowdfunded so I can pay artists and editors. Then I want to present it to Cubicle 7 to get it printed. Knock on wood. I've been doing Guild Wars 2 from time to time, and my wife's obsessed with Path of Exile, so that's good.