Guild Wars Update

Mar 03, 2011 22:23

Guild Wars has had a massive update!
1)  Embark Beach -- allows players to meet in one area, with access to all campaigns, knowing where the group is capable of going to, mission-wise.
2)  Zaishen Vanquish -- considering my sister and the Sunday Crew are doing vanquishes (kill everything in a region), this will give an incentive and bonus for doing so.
3)  7-Hero Teams -- you can now use seven heroes (AI NPCs) in your team, rather than just three.
4)  Mercenary Heroes -- you can now register your characters as mercenaries, allowing them to travel with you as heroes.  Meaning you can make an entire party of just your characters.
5)  Alteration of Survivor.  Now it isn't 1-death removes the title, you have to gain a certain amount of XP without dying to get the title.
6)  Pre-Searing Quests -- allows you to get to level 20 without having to death-level, giving you a chance to earn Survivor and Champion at the same time.

On top of that they tweaked the UI -- there's now a 'ready' tag beside your name, letting you tell other team members when you're ready to go.

In Guild Wars 2 News, there was a leak of the next profession to be revealed -- the Thief.  They have a special ability called Initiative, which allows them to briefly chain their skills together for an onslaught combo.  They're allowed to use paired pistols and daggers, and can lay traps, teleport, and rob enemies.  They also have an evasive skill, allowing you to tumble out of range of an attack while recharging your special ability.

It's called Roll for Initiative.  OY!

guild wars

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