I think I've done all the planning I can stand for one night.
I've discovered that while my taste in individual strands of beads is not expensive, the bastards add up fast. If I was to buy full strands of the beads I want to use for my greyscale bead swags, just the beads, it'd be $36 from
Fire Mountain. But I found three silver charms I want to use, and that adds another $19 to the sub-total. I can find most of the beads elsewhere, and I'll probably do that. Actually, what I will very likely do is see if
lizzielizzie has what I'm looking for in
her shop. Otherwise, there are cheaper places to order what I want. It's a little frustrating that I don't have anything in my possession that will work, but who knew I'd want to do a whole greyscale motif? It's awfully un-Viking, but it will look AMAZING.
darkwolfie is down with wearing a white wool tunic, too, which is cool. I left some linen behind at Fabric Fix that I really should have bought; it's black with a woven-in stripe. It would have made incredible pants. It will make incredible pants, as soon as I go back and liberate some from the store.
I was trying to decide what little project I should bring with me to work on this weekend, and I think it's either going to be the cloak project (which needs attention, because seriously, if I'd just buckle down and do it, it'd be done by now) or some of the spinning that I'm going to need to get done. I can start on the white right away; I have lots of white fiber laying around. Somewhere I have grey; that will take some searching. Then again, there's nothing that says I can't bring both.
But for now, my head hurts with all the bead research, so I'm just going to grab my loom, watch some TiVo, and finish one part of The Twelfth Night Project: weaving straps for my dress.