Character Interactions
The following is a listing of interactions Sokora has had with other characters within the
mayfield_rpg community. For readability, the following list is split into several segments:
- Household members
- Regular RP partners
- Random Mayfield folks.
A rating from 0 to 11 is also provided alongside each interaction, with 0 meaning 'will kill at the slightest provocation' and 11 meaning 'will defend under any possible circumstances'. Any social interaction starts at 5.5, dialed to 5 or 6 depending on the initial interaction. Most characters will fall between 1 and 10. The Milkman, on the other hand, will be an automatic zero, as will certain other NPCs. That doesn't mean he's stupid enough to get into a fight with them, though.
Household Interactions
- Aradia Megedo, 'daughter', from the Homestuck continuum; heardeadpe0ple - Rating: 7. Seems a decent kid, of yet, and there's nothing to cause worry - at least, anything he's heard.
Regular RP Partners
- Sokora has not been around long enough to call any folks 'regular partners'.
Other Mayfield Interactions
- Ilsa Higa, MD; ooeeooahah - Rating: 7. Spoke to Sokora early on, providing him with very useful information, and happens to be a medical professional, always a high mark in his book.
- Balin Wilbur, Sergeant First Class; walking_nuke - Rating: 6. Has provided quite a lot of information to Sokora, but has not yet met face-to-face.
- Lucas (no last name given); a_gentle_boy - Rating: 7. Again, Lucas provided more than a small amount of information early on, and was kind enough to offer healing after beaning Sokora in the head with a newspaper. Additionally, Lucas appears to be a healer in turn.
- Theo Crawford; sanctusdei - Rating: 5. Certainly he seemed reasonable enough, the necromancer never letting out enough information to cause Sokora to grow concerned - but didn't assist Sokora much either. Plus, they haven't interacted much at all.
- Black Mage: inthenertz - Rating: 1. That small little man made the mistake of killing Sokora, and oh, how he'll pay for that indiscretion.