The people we know, and the persons we care for. [OOC post: Sokora's Character Interactions]

Nov 05, 1975 01:17

Character Interactions
   The following is a listing of interactions Sokora has had with other characters within the mayfield_rpg community.  For readability, the following list is split into several segments:
  • Household members
  • Regular RP partners
  • Random Mayfield folks.
  A rating from 0 to 11 is also provided alongside each interaction, with 0 meaning 'will kill at the slightest provocation' and 11 meaning 'will defend under any possible circumstances'.  Any social interaction starts at 5.5, dialed to 5 or 6 depending on the initial interaction.  Most characters will fall between 1 and 10.  The Milkman, on the other hand, will be an automatic zero, as will certain other NPCs.  That doesn't mean he's stupid enough to get into a fight with them, though.

Household Interactions
  • Aradia Megedo, 'daughter', from the Homestuck continuum; heardeadpe0ple - Rating: 7.  Seems a decent kid, of yet, and there's nothing to cause worry - at least, anything he's heard.

Regular RP Partners
  • Sokora has not been around long enough to call any folks 'regular partners'.

Other Mayfield Interactions
  • Ilsa Higa, MD; ooeeooahah - Rating: 7.  Spoke to Sokora early on, providing him with very useful information, and happens to be a medical professional, always a high mark in his book. 
  • Balin Wilbur, Sergeant First Class; walking_nuke - Rating: 6.  Has provided quite a lot of information to Sokora, but has not yet met face-to-face.
  • Lucas (no last name given); a_gentle_boy - Rating: 7.  Again, Lucas provided more than a small amount of information early on, and was kind enough to offer healing after beaning Sokora in the head with a newspaper.  Additionally, Lucas appears to be a healer in turn.
  • Theo Crawford; sanctusdei - Rating: 5.  Certainly he seemed reasonable enough, the necromancer never letting out enough information to cause Sokora to grow concerned - but didn't assist Sokora much either.  Plus, they haven't interacted much at all.
  • Black Mage: inthenertz - Rating: 1.  That small little man made the mistake of killing Sokora, and oh, how he'll pay for that indiscretion.

basics, ratings, household, mayfield, character interactions, ooc, who the fuck do you think i am

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