Mar 28, 2013 22:47

blanket disclaimer: all of these are works of fiction.
blanket a/n: all works listed are free to be translated/podficced/remixed/whatevered to your pleasure. all i ask is that you link me to your finished product. :D

2 Gene/Babe drabbles
War is a bitch, at best.

Chasing Names (gen) // for Wildgoosery for yuletide
Not all cases are meant to be won.

he killed it with kisses (arthur/eames)
five times Eames steals a kiss.

when it's said and done (arthur/eames) // fill for inception_kink
Bad ideas are to Eames as bees are to honey--stinging, and on occasion, the cause of severe allergic reactions.

Jack of Hearts (arthur/eames) // for i_reversebang
In which Eames pulls a con (sort of) and Arthur is perpetually ten steps ahead (in a way).

narrative of soul against soul (arthur/eames) // for cherrybina's kinkfest
Arthur is an alpha. Problem is, so is Eames.

i don't care about anything (keep tryin') (arthur/eames) // fill for inception_kink
This is a story about fashion.

love is spelled j-o-h-n-d-e-e-r-e (arthur/eames) // for bookshop
Arthur and Eames discover John Deere.

i don't actually know what happens next series (gen)
children!a/e fics

rumors of my demise have been greatly understated (gen; arthur/eames) // fill for inception_kink
Arthur faints dramatically, or so says the team.

Trial & Error (arthur/eames) // for inception_bang
Arthur is a lawyer; Eames is a scientist; Yusuf has shaky morals, and Saito only trusts himself to get the job done.

maybe it's (arthur/eames) // for the arthur_eames Spring Romance fest
He wonders, between breaths, if this them talking about it; if Eames is saying he wants to try, and Arthur is saying he's willing.

all kfandom-related things are on feiling

this heart is always beating (jiyong/seunghyun)
the AU where jiyong is a model to the seunghyun's photographer, and there are feelings and insecurities.

in over my head (kris/tao)
inception au in which tao is a forger and kris is an extractor. (NC-17)

some hearts (kris-centric) // for teastallpanda for sncj_santa
Apathetic. Adjective. Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm or concern.

these walls are built to fall (hakyeon/taekwoon) // for mangafanxd
high school!au where hakyeon gets drunk, taekwoon gets mad, and sanghyuk falls asleep. (not necessarily in that order.)

lazy days (hakyeon/taekwoon)
you are my light in the dark. (you are the beating of my heart.)

it's time (look how far we've come) (hakyeon/taekwoon)
Taekwoon and Hakyeon have a history, but it's high time everything fell into place. (alternatively, the soccer au in which Taekwoon finally realizes they're more than just friends.)

In the Distance (Lee/Nate) // for thehotgates' 2010 NaNoWriMo Gunmetal Gray
Without Lee, Nate loses control. warnings: eating disorder

In Which Brad Is Sick and There Is Schmoop (brad bell/cassidy haley)
Brad is sick. Cassidy comes to his rescue.

Don't Go Far Off, Not Even for a Day (brad bell/cassidy haley) // for sarrni_korppi
May your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance. warnings: infidelity

we could hear the trains again (zach/chris) // drabble
Summer left and no one said a word.

Protect Me From What I Want (zach/chris) // for sarrni_korppi
It starts with Disney.

Zach Misses Chris (zach/chris) // drabble!fill for trek_rpf_kink
Distance is a rather large number.

All Eyes on Me (zach/chris) // drabble
"Come dance, Zach."

all suits fic is archived on quellfrost

hella bar talk (harvey/mike) // fill for suitsmeme
There have, in fact, been stranger requests. (NC-17)

first class tenderfoot (harvey/mike) // for arineat & maja_li
that one where Harvey was a boy scout. (NC-17)

call it lateralus (and maybe we'll go medial) (harvey/mike)
Harvey makes Mike learn the muscular system. And then tests him on it. (NC-17)

closing in (harvey/mike) // fill for suitsmeme
bookstore au

auf wiedersehn (harvey/mike) // for acquiescence_ for help_yca
Project Runway AU

*western fandom fic are also archived on AO3 (er, mostly.)

* masterlist, # fic

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