Cyclists... F*** OFF THE ROAD

Jul 11, 2011 17:49

Right I've been meaning to post this rant for a bit now and some twat has really wound me up now so I'm posting.

Now before people (Johnstonio) get all excited I dont mean all cyclists.

I live in Nottingham. In Nottingham there are lots and lots of cycle tracks provided in Nottingham, they're great, they're smooth tarmac, they're off the road they have sensors on them that mean you dont need to press the button at a crossing as it knows you're there and changes accordingly.

So why, with all of that are there still fucktards that insist on cycling on the roads that have been made narrower so that they can have a dedicated cycle track. Its there for their safety and for the convenience of everyone using the road system. Generally speaking its bloody mamils* too who ought to know better.

The clown today decided not to wait the 10 seconds for the lights to change to give him the right of way, nor did he even look, too busy on his phone as he cycled out in front of me on a dual carriageway. I jammed the brakes on and (sadly it turns out) managed to stop. I shout at him to wake up and watch the road so he responds with throwing his bike down and screaming at me to get out of the car and fight him. I proceed to drive off having decided that the tw*t was neither worth the effort, my licence, my job or my general sense of dignity which I would have lost standing over his battered form!

Again, I have no problem with cyclist who use the facilities that have been put there for them, I accept that sometimes there is no cycle path. Thats all fine but if its there, use it, you, me and everyone else have paid for it through taxes.

*middle aged man in lycra, the type of guy that hasnt sat on a bike in over a decade and isnt quite sure what to do but thinks they are well savvy and because he has a load of cash and has bought all the gucci gear that is on the market aimed at these tw*ts thats costs more than its worth as its all about the label.
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