Politics.... I just dont want to know anymore

May 04, 2011 11:33

Tomorrow in the UK there is the referendum about AV. I have every intention of voting in it and I intend to vote for change as the current system is even more crap. Currently my one man one vote is actually one man 0.638 of a vote. Under AV I'll get a massive one man 0.828 of a vote. Woo........... hoo......... Still crap, but a step in the right direction.

After that I shall, going forward, be exercising my right to not vote and I dont accept any of the cliches that people come out with, 'you cant complain about the government if you dont vote' being the normal one. Yes I can, I'll be complaining about the government. Not the political parties but the government. In case you hadnt noticed all governments are the same.

In that I mean that their policies are a pack of half truths and outright lies that they end up either ignoring or abandoning for one reason or another like we never actually thought we'd get elected or they didn't have all the facts, which they then turn around and blame their predecessors. They may or may not have actually had any control over the situation, I refer you to the current financial climate, there was a world recession, no single political party in any country can be blamed for it.

They get elected and play the hand that they are dealt and it is very often a really bad hand. Okay some parties may make slightly different choices than others but at the end of the day we all get screwed one way or another because the bills need to be paid, that's just a fact of life.

Having looked at the people that get involved in politics, in no way am I saying they are all sheisters, sure some of them do it for the greater good, they want to be there making a difference and the world a better place. Local politics have at least a fighting chance of this but then even they have to toe the party line eventually. Independents aren't in a strong position to make any changes so they're a waste of a vote. The majority of them however only appear interested in lining their pockets and earning book deals.

It has turned into a cycle of that though, people that get into politics for all the wrong reasons, they outnumber the good people, good people leave or join them making the problem worse.

The first question that should be asked is 'Do you want to be a politician?' if the answer is yes they should be banned from being involved any further. If they were to answer, 'no, I want to be in a position where I can get the things that are wrong put right' well then they may be worth listening to some more.

In essence. No matter who you vote for, you always end up with the government. I dont see any difference between them so why stress about voting.

ETA I think that I still have the attitude of 'this isn't my country and I don't really care' in Ireland I wouldn't dream of missing a vote no matter what I had planned, here I don't feel that passion in the slightest.
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