
Nov 19, 2010 20:59

So, where to begin. Things are a bit crazy, but not, but are. I suppose the easiest way is to go through the compartments of my life and see where I am.

Honeymoon in Thailand was awesome. Ao Nang is a beautiful place with all the tropical images that you can imagine. There were all sorts of wildlife and I achieved a few days scuba diving. An ambition I've had for many years. Both myself and Helen loved it and are looking at going for the PADI courses. I got a bit of a stomach bug while there, one I think Helen may have brought with her. That said though it didn't stop either of us enjoying ourselves. We spent a day and a half in Bangkok, it is a large and dirty city, an interesting large and dirty city, but none the less large and dirty. We did find a pub called the Dubliner where I enjoyed a very pleasant bottle of Irish Bulmers, that was very nice. Night market was crazy and the lady boy that tried me to sell me handbags was quite amusing! In both Ao Nang and Bangkok the hotels were outstanding, we lashed out the cash as it was our honeymoon and it was well worth it. Thai Airlines are the way to travel by the way. Fantastic legroom and comfortable seats!

Work is awesome at the moment. I've just trained 2 new starters and been unofficially acknowledged as the head of the team. I've been told I cant actually be the manager as I dont have QTS yet which is a bit shit but I'll cope and concentrate on getting my degree and on to qualification. Since Baz started with us on Wednesday its become apparent that I have become immune to the behaviour challenges in the place and just dont notice them any more. Today I had 2 classes thank me for teaching them. One was a geology lesson and the other involved a practical on magnets and magnetic fields. There was a magnet ghost, compasses iron filings and a total mess!! Good fun and good lessons.

Study is all good. Into the third week of the Geology course (S276). All going well so far. I've registered for the next course starting in February, that one is S216 Environmental Science. This is the start of my second year on the degree and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Its really useful for me in school as well as I can share with the kids that study is an ongoing process that doesn't just end with your GCSEs. Some of them even get it :)

Changeling last night was pretty cool. Enjoying running an ongoing campaign even if it does miss months at a time occasionally due to larp and life in general.

So yeah, life is pretty busy at the moment but in all the best ways.
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