
Apr 13, 2010 12:08

So I sent a mail to the candidates in my constituency asking them why I should vote for them. I explained that its my first time voting having moved here from Ireland 5 years ago and not been all that interested.

Conservative.... No answer

First, welcome - I hope you're enjoying life here and will stay for good!

The general case for Labour is that it's dealt well with the immediate crisis (only two major firms went into liquidation, the money spent on savings the banks has nearly all been recouped and unemployment is less than half the early predictions) and is more interested in public services and less likely to cut them back as the deficit is brought down. More specifically, we've promised not to cut spending on schools, front-line medical services, or policing; the Conservatives have only promised that for medical services and are notably silent on the others, while saying they'll cut £12 billion to fund various tax cuts: a £150 tax bonus for married couples where one partner doesn't work; abolition of inheritance tax between £700,000 and £1 million; and the abolition of higher-rate income tax that hits people earning over £100,000.

I'm one of the MPs specialising in environmental issues, which might or might not interest you? Can give you more details on that or anything else specific if you like? You can also find endorsements and other material on www.nickpalmer.info

Broxtowe is a Labour-Conservative marginal so I've not written much about the other parties, who don't have a chance of winning here (the odds at the bookmaker are 100-1 against all of them).

Hope this helps, but feel free to ask more!

Best wishes

Nick Palmer (Labour)

Lib Dem
Thanks for the email. I think the short answer is because I offer a fairer
country. My four key themes for this election are fair taxes, a fair and
green economy, fair education and fair politics. If you believe that the
country should be fair then vote for me.

As a newcomer to the UK you will not have had to put up with the years of
neglect and failure which the two old parties have achieved between them. We
have had 65 years of Labour and the Conservatives, and frankly it's time for
something different and a new, refreshing and fair way of working.

One way that I try to make things fair is that I edit a weekly enews service
for Broxtowe residents, detailing local news and events across the borough.
By letting people know what is going on they are much more able to influence
how things are done and what decisions are taken. It's read by several
hundred people each week. I've taken the liberty of adding you to the
mailing list so that you can see if this is something that you would be
interested in receiving. If you like it you need do nothing more. If however
you decide that it's not for you then simply click on the unsubscribe button
and they'll stop coming. Hopefully though you will find them useful and want
to continue receiving them.

Best wishes

David Watts

So all in all an interesting situation
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