I'm such a sucker for doing 'fan art' - although I prefer doing it when there's a purpose behind it (like when I did all the Transformers stuff for War Journal). Anyhow, here's a hour or so's thru work on a mock DS9 cover, featuring the bearded captain himself!
A lot more work to go, and using heavy photo reference - still got to work out how to interpret various different tones in the image, and just how far to go with shading etc and what I should leave for colours.
Really enjoying this Spiderman game at the mo - the spectacular aerials combat sequences and over the top super villain set pieces have served to remind a jaded comic book super hero fan why he liked them in the first place :-)
Think I feel a Spider-man splash coming on... he he he.
P.S - This counts as my sketch blog for the day! :-P