An attempt yesterday lunch at drawing a character I've nerver really done before (or indeed a type of character!)
Watched a TERRIBLE movie last night (that ironically had really nice vis effects work) called Supernova with James Spader(sp?). Seriously, semi-soft porn style as I think the director chucked a whole bunch of sex scenes in to try and make a dull plot interesting, there were some nice touches in the concept of faster than light travel though - as one of the crews pods breaks and he is merged with the glass of the front of it - bit gruesome and quite well done! As was the way the ship jumped - kinda Tron, solar sailer simulator style along a beam - this, aside from set design, was probably the only real redeeming feature of the movie. Acting wasn't bad. Just a shite plot with terrible exposition in the first minute.
Moogs, Jess, you'd probably love it lol.