Post Xmas

Dec 30, 2008 09:18

I mean literally it's after Christmas, not some kind of pseudo-social observation of our emotional trend heading into January. Although that could be fun! *rolls eyes*

Anyhow, we switched our Christmas around at the last minute and went up to my folks for Xmas Day and Boxing Day - went to see the oldies, ate, drank, was a bit merry, played cards and Xbox. The usual really! Then Saturday we headed down to Bournemouth and saw Charlene's rents and oldies - great fun, but all the driving up and down the country has left us a bit whacked. Still, a rescued Christmas from the disaster it could have been!

Had some great presents this year, books (really cool digi painting guides!), smellies, a jumper (Christmas as a grown up - woo!) and a couple of Xbox games (Bioshock and Rainbow Six:Vegas), though I think the one that made me grin the most was this:

JP and Jess - You are both made of awesome lol. Thank you so much for dis!

Bought Call Of Duty: World At War yesterday and have been cracking through that a bit - also working on a page I was sent before Christmas by a guy on the Inkwell boards. Very nice of him, it's a high-ish res Justice League page by Randy Green. Will post it when finished!

Hit 5000 page views on my dA! Woot! I think I started the year on 1000, so let's hope for 10K next Xmas! Speaking of which actually, I'm gonna start work on the ole resolutions list and get it up for New Year's Day (I think Charlene and I are just gonna stay in as the weather for driving is going to suck ass and there isn't anything going on with friends within 200 miles - or that we can really afford!) - I usually don't bother with serious resolutions or whatever, but I guess it's a good way of setting milestones and achievables for the year. Oh well, we'll see what happens I guess!

christmas, cod5, storm trooper helmet

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