...and it all went to cock. lol
So, we're in two minds right now as to what we're going to do later today as Charlene's folks have come down with the vomiting bug that's touring the country - They sounded sick as parrots last night and it's pretty unlikely they'll make a 24 hr recovery. Couple that with Charlene just getting over an EVIL cold/flu bug she's had for the last 10 days, it looks like Christmas could be put in a holding pattern for a day or so!
London was gr8 on Sunday, flying visit but the Cherry Poppin Daddies were AMAZING - their first gig in London in 10 years as well which was cool. If you haven't heard them before, I highly recommend checking out their Myspace or something, as the swing groove is so infectious I can't think how anyone wouldn't like them! Such an electric and fun atmosphere in the gig too, it just plain rocked.
Here's the latest page I've finished inking, I've stitched in the pencils for the first time for comparison (don't know why I didn't do this before tbh) - another Heubert page, though I think it might be the last for a while as I want to start inking sequentials again (if I can find any flipping scans on the net) or dare I say have a crack at some pencils again as the last attempt was a disaster. Really feel with Heubert's work though that now I've done a few pages I've really got into the groove with his work and that it's now starting to flow a lot more. Guess that's a good thing.
A little more exciting was the bargain I got from Hobbycraft! They were selling on clearance packs of x5 pentel brush pens (see below) for £6 - When the pens retail for around £4-5 each. I don't think the woman at the counter believed me, but fuck it - I've got 10 coloured brush pens now and they work really sweetly! Ca-ching!
In case I don't post again before or whatever, Merry Christmas everyone - I hope y'all have a lovely break and catch ya in 2009!