I don't know anymore...

Feb 19, 2006 01:02

I know it's been forever since my last update and I apologize for that. Maybe I'll try to make this pretty long and fill it with as much detail as possible. That's for the few of you that actually give a damn and will read this. Most of this will be me bitching since I am filled with a lot of frustration and anger at the moment and just need to vent. I know I've been doing that to a lot of people recently and I'm sorry. I just can't seem to help it.

As far as my surgery goes, I can't go into a whole lot of detail other than the fact that I'm upright and moving around. Actually I was just that shortly after the surgery and probably a lot quicker than many people would've been. There's a certain way about me that I seem to recover from major brain surgeries rather quick. Hehe. Anyway, I was discharged from the hospital the Friday (I think) following the Tuesday I had the surgery. I was then back to work (ugh, I'll get to that shit later) two Mondays later. I'm not driving right now, attempting to go the recommended three months without a seizure before getting behind the wheel again. While I don't much like mentioning it, I'm pushing five weeks without one now. Some vision problems have also been a side effect. The portion of the brain we messed with is what controls the left peripheral vision. So in addition to some sensitivity to strong fluorescent light (which has improved), I have some problems seeing to the left peripherally.

Moving along to work. I'll get straight to the point. Erik is no longer with us. What it boils down to is some people were upset while he was employed, some people are upset that he isn't, and it's causing much unnecessary drama. I know some details and I do not know others. Due to that fact, I'm not going any further in regards to commenting on him and/or the entire situation. The only pure fact I know is he is no longer employed with us.

Not only has all of the drama there had me plenty upset due to how Erik may be feeling, how I'm personally feeling, and of course how everyone else at work is feeling, I now have to deal with this next topic. It's like if it's not one thing, it's another. This has me especially frustrated and pissed off if for no other reason but because it effects me directly. I'm not trying to be selfish. I think it's human nature. Erik was previously holding four Supervisor or Lead Supervisor shifts, all of which would of course become available and then cause a trickle-down effect and shifting of others' shifts as they begin to change their shifts around due to picking up the hours previously held by Erik. For the longest time, at least a couple of years, I worked a 14-hour or 12-hour Saturday. I worked 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then 5 p.m. to midnight shifts. I then changed that to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. When Erik left, I wanted the Saturday evening Lead Supervisor shift he previously held. This would mean adding on an additional three hours, changing my leaving time from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. This is suddenly now a problem for me to work a 15-hour day. Never mind the fact that I've worked these double shifts for years without a problem of any sort, have now gone almost five weeks without a seizure, there are three other people working double shifts, and there is at least one other Lead Supervisor around should something (heaven forbid) happen that can take over all the way until close.

I'm being told I am no special case, that if it was anyone else pulling a double shift (aka, Julie or Anne) picking up Erik's shift and adding on those additional hours that they would be pulled aside and spoken to as well. But it is me that cannot have that shift until I get a medical release from my doctor. In my opinion, this is borderline discrimination and I am indeed being made a special case. I'm not sure they realize just how big a can of worms they are opening with this. If they think the Erik situation opened a can of worms, this might be just as big if not bigger. There are a total of four people working double shifts, most of whom have been doing so for years now. And if they begin taking away hours like has been rumored, it will cause a serious shit storm. If they want a medical release, it should've been when I first came back from surgery and for me to begin working at all. It should not be just for me to work a double shift. There's no need to go into more detail on the situation because it will be very interesting to see just how this will pan out. Everyone please pay attention and I welcome everyone's input.

That's going to do it for now. I probably have one or two other things I could bitch about, but I'll save those for another entry.
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