Ten of Swords for October 2010.

Oct 03, 2010 04:14

The Ten of Swords is the end of a cycle of bad habits, obsessive thinking, negative patterns of behavior that is making your life hell. Being this card represents the element of Air and Sword, take heed to your thoughts and communications. Is it, after all, illusion keeping you bound? As in the case of the picture of the Ten of Swords, a being is held to sacrifice by the sword of an illusional form overpowering it stemming from the labyrinthine bed it agonizes upon. The bloody dresses hanging by swords on the trees are reminders of the past and the same failed path walked repeatedy with the same result. The Sword peirces, blood is shed. The victim lies again on its bed ready to be sacrificed to the tenth and final sword, with the knowledge this time that the same patterning has led it to this place of revelation. Will you allow yourself to suffer again the same path or choose to remove yourself from this situation? The only one truly holding you there is you. Roll away from the labyrinth of hell you've created and the illusive captor. Reclaim your power over your life.

"Ten of Swords"
oil on canvas
An-Magrith Erlandsen
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