Sep 30, 2010 21:12
So I've been on and off with this guy for awhile, getting strong vibes he has a thing for me as well as serious flirting/puppy love action going on last semester. Since I don't see him as much anymore things are a bit different, but more so in a good way.
I've seen him twice this semester and things were good.
I did a few spreads and would like your take on them:
3 of cups
Ace of Swords rv
3 of pents
for the question, "Where are we headed?"
I interpreted this as the three of cups as me, the three of pents as him, and the only thing that is keeping us apart is fears, thoughts, certain beliefs (he's a bit older..), etc.
I then asked for advice:
What am I supposed to do now: Four of Wands
What advice do you give?: Knight of cups
Obviously, one can interpret the knight of cups as sending a message. Perhaps this last advice spread indicates that I need to sit down and have "The Talk" with him?
I am getting more and more comfortable with my feelings towards him, to the point, given the chance, I would outright tell him.