This is it, the last little segment of this staggeringly long fic! I never imagined it would turn out this long, I just started out writing and ended up with nearly 20,000 words (*le gasp*)- that's very nearly three times the length of my previous fic. Don't think I'll be doing this again for a while, but it was great fun to write! Hope you've
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Comments 18
Aha I did wonder if people were going to try to figure out who it was, and I kinda threw the dodgy leg thing in there on a whim, as another thing Fai could deduce, then later realised that it also pointed to Sakura (unintentional red herring ohohoho). But I totally didn't think about the Tomoyo angle XD
And FWR was always going to be the big bad. I was thinking about having another CLAMP villain as the baddie, and FWR as Moriarty, but there was nowhere to really fit that in. Plus I needed a sort of family relationship for XH, and FWR is pretty much the only person she's with in Tsubasa, so it became a straight case.
Ah, no matter what I write, somehow the schmoop creeps in! And assertive Fai meant that I could really make Kuro-doctor squirm XD
I love you for taking the time to read this. THANKS SO MUCH! <3
And anytime! <3
I swear on all things sweet and holy, we are having those children. This is the most perfect fic in the world, and I love you forever.
I was dithering over whether to fill a prompt for ages, because I didn't think I would a) do it justice or b) have the committment required to finish it. But when I saw Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch <3) I thought maybe... so I gave it some thought, went on a three week holiday, and promised myself that if it wasn't filled by the time I got back, then I'd give it a go. So here we are lol.
Thank you so much for all the encouragement you gave whilst I was writing- this is my first multi-chap fic, so making sure continuity was good was a challenge! Your words made me want to sit down and squeeze some more words out every evening, something that I usually struggle to do. I've really enjoyed this!
So thank you again, lovely non-anon OP! I'm so glad you enjoyed it- if you want, we can totally fangirl over the new Sherlock series when it comes out next year! I might even be inspired to write a little omake when the time comes, since I loved writing for this universe a lot.
There's no need to thank me, all credit was due! But all the same, I'm glad it served as encouragement, this was SUCH AN AMAZING READ OMG (CAPS LOCK IS NECESSARY)
YES, WE MUST. I'm ridiculously excited for it, IT'S BEEN SO LONG. And guh, I would love to see an omake from you, your writing is seriously some of the best fic I've read in ages.
It's great to know there was mutual enjoyment for both reader and writer. THIS MAKES OUR BOND DEEPER YOU KNOW.
I KNOW, RIGHT? I thought the second series would be this year, and then it was all suddenly "you only assumed it was this year...", like it was Sherlock himself mocking us for making bad deductions XD
Yeah, depending on how busy I find myself next year, I may just have that omake. I don't think I want to let go of disgruntled Kuro-doctor and his idiot sleuth just yet!
I also really want to write a little something for the Watanuki/Doumeki side of the story, because I really wanted to do more with it, but they weren;t the main focus of the story XD
Yeah I didn't quite realise the Sakura connection until I'd already decided to use it for XH... I don't think I could have made Sakura into a cold-blooded killer, even with her Infinity persona- she's just too cute! XD
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