Fandom Update

Mar 06, 2022 14:20


michaelbiehn - nothing this week


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 39/100

- Four Months - Benjamin Asher/Mike Banning, Olympus Has Fallen (movies), PG SLASH AU

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms.

AO3 collection:

MY Masterlist:


smallfandombang 2021 - FIC - COMPLETED AND SENT TO ARTIST

10200 / 10000 (100.20%)

- Author Check-In No. 4:  Mar 8-14, 2022
- Final Drafts (Fic & Art) Due:  Mar 31, 2022
- Posting Date Sign-Ups:  Apr 1-4, 2022
- Posting Period:  Apr 5-30, 2022


trope_bingo R18 - 3/25

- Four Months - Ben/Mike, Olympus Has Fallen (movies), PG SLASH


- Last day to sign up:  Apr 10, 2022
- Last day to post bingos:  Apr 30, 2022
- Amnesty:  May 1 to Jun 30, 2022


allbingo 2022 - 3/25

- Four Months - Ben/Mike, Olympus Has Fallen (movies), PG SLASH


As far as I can see it doesn't have a deadline... which is good :)


crossoverbingo - COMPLETED - 0/25 - nothing this week

I requested a bingo table of AU prompts for crossing over the following fandoms in any combination:

The Old Guard, Eureka, Stargate Atlantis, and Jurassic Park

My Table:

No time limit!


7. Old Guard Big Bang 2022 - FIC - STARTED

Minimum of 10k words. Finally, I have made a start on the story. Not quite sure where it's going yet but I need to persevere over this coming week so I have a solid idea for a summary by the 14th March :)

1079 / 10000 (10.79%)

- Summary/themes due:  Mar 14, 2022
- Artists claim writers:  Mar 21, 2022
- 1st check-in:  May 1, 2022
- 50% of writing completed:  Jul 1, 2022
- 2nd check-in:  Sep 1, 2022
- Post to collection:  Nov 1, 2022


8. Post in a DW Community Challenge

A challenge for everyone to try to help sustain or revive a DW fandom community.

Posted to:

Check out my PROFILE to see the list of communities I am subscribed to, in case you are looking for some ideas of comms to join... and please feel free to name any communities you think I might enjoy joining :)


landofart Phase 18 - 6/26

Created 8 icons for challenge 08, 2 Stargate Atlantis wallpapers for challenge 04, and 10 icons for the Icon Battlefield challenge - those won't be revealed until after the 'battle'. Also have 3 wallpapers created for Challenge 07 with 3 more to go. Definitely had a productive week!

Open Challenges:

02 - TIMELINE Team challenge - COMPLETED 6/15


lands_of_magic Round 9 - Starts on 1st April

Nothing this week.


inkingitout 2022 - 75000 minimum word challenge

This is a challenge for everything written and posted in 2022. Added 1468 words this week to take me over 10% completed.

8390 / 75000 (11.19%)


Most of these will have to wait until I have far more free time to think it all through.

1. Update the TV/Movie lists to add all TV/movie appearances: DONE!

2. Scan/Upload clippings and other articles: I have folders containing stuff to upload and lots of magazine articles I found when going through all my old magazines that I want to scan/upload eventually.

3. Reduce the overall number of files: I need to let go of ONE of the web spaces to save some money in future. It's another major undertaking as it will be a time consuming task. This must be a priority as money is going to get tight soon! I have at least a year's grace in which to work on this, but time does seem to go so quickly. I noticed a lot of the existing screen caps are old and small so I may re-do them - where it is beneficial.

4. Sort out the eFiction archives: Nothing done this week but I may approach AO3 about taking them on once I have some free time to go through everything. All my own stories were uploaded to AO3 years ago. What remains are stories written by other fans, and sadly I know a few have moved on - or passed on. Doing this will help bring down the number of files on the sites too.

5. Make sites mobile friendly: No progress but as this is a major site restructure, I won't start this until I know what I need to do! It will require substantial free time to figure out what is required and learn how to code it. I have a few ideas. An ex-work colleague suggested I look at CSS Flexi and Grid.

Please remember to check out the GALLERY and FICTION archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE pages for these.


PHOENIX: Updates - Nothing this week

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates - Nothing this week

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates

2 Stargate Atlantis wallpapers posted, and a few icons added. Also regenerated missing thumbnails for the Rage of the Yeti and Morlocks gallery pages. Not sure why those were missing but it's fixed now :)

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Completed the set up of all the albums for the gallery, and fixed some errors I spotted along the way.

Nick Lea - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Books/Fanfiction **** POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT ****

FANFICTION: Still slowly reading through all The Old Guard Joe/Nicky stories but I've been focusing on AUs recently. Currently reading a very long 'Harry Potter' universe story that's been pretty good so far.

BOOKS: Still not started on Surviving the Evacuation book 7 by Frank Tayell



- Olympus/London Has Fallen: I re-watched both of these as I was in the mood for some mindless violence entertainment :)

- Jumanji: The Next Level: I really love the Jumanji movies - so much fun to watch, full of action, humor, and a little drama too. Normally sequels are not as good but these movies buck that trend and I cannot recommend them highly enough. Another favorite is Zathura, which is along the same lines of being sucked into a game.

FANVIDS: Nothing this week.



9-1-1 Lone Star: I'm glad TK didn't take the drugs but sad he didn't make it to his mom's funeral - though I know she would have forgiven him for events beyond his control, and for helping to save a life instead. I'm glad his baby brother is okay... and poor Carlos, blaming himnself for putting them on a plane that had a mid-air disaster. I'm glad they didn't go the full way with TK back on drugs as I really hate that storyline in shows. It's done too often.

An Idiot Abroad: Haven't seen any more this week

Chicago Med: (1) The gaslighting episode - I had my suspicions about the step daughter gaslighting her stepmother so she had access to all her money. Glad they caught her. Also glad Will realized he'd been 'gaslighting' Stevie and apologized. I'm really not into the Marcel/Blake triangle romance. Hopefully the daughter catching them kissing will put that one to bed for good. I have to admit that I was in two mnds over the placebo trick Marcel played on that patient. I think once the man stops thinking about his hurt pride he will realize Marcel just saved him a massive amount of time and money he would have spent on hospital fees/medication - time/money he could ill afford.

(2) Maggie gets good news fortunately, though I really liked the storyline with her and the guy in the iron lung. Marcel is still pursuing Blake but hopefully nothing will come of it. Stevie is still planning to leave - guess we'll have ot wait to see if that actually happens. I liked Doctor Shintu, loved how he amended his regulations once he saw the impact first hand. I was toying with the idea of giving up on this show after last week's episode but I'll hang on for a few more to see how I feel.

Death in Paradise: Last week's episode was the season finale. It was about a Chess champion making a come back after 30 years absence, and he is murdered while playing in front of everyone. I figured out the murderer very early on when I saw the finger placement on the White Queen but the motive was so sad! 30 years earlier the murdered guy had told the Russian KGB where to find his Chess rival, who was a Russian dissident. The KGB dragged him away and his body was never found but was obviously assassinated/executed. The murderer was another chess competitor. It turned out he was the male lover of the Russian player, and he'd been waiting 30 years to find the other guy so he could have his revenge for losing the love of his life, and once the truth was out he committed suicide so he could finally be reunited with his lover. As I said, so sad!

Hidden: Nothing this week

NCIS: Not a bad episode but I think having Jimmy's daughter there was jarring and a little surreal at times. Despite that I liked seeing Nick as an honorary 'cool' uncle to Victoria, and Jimmy's remarks that Nick had been there for him over this last year while Jimmy was dealing with his wife's death even though Nick had his own issues to deal with too. I did wonder if there is any Nick/Jimmy fic out there :D

RuPaul's Drag Race Season 14: (1) I was sad to see Kerri Colby go, especially as I was not as fond of Jasmine Kennedie... but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next :) I do agree that Kerri's runway look was not so polished this week, and that let her down. Also learned that Jasmine came out as trans during Untucked - which I don't tend to watch - after getting support from Kerri.

(2) I was so happy that both Jasmine and Jorgeous saved themselves with their lip syncs this week as they were both superb. Of course it does meanwe might get two eliminated in one week. As for the challenge, Willow's team did really well and I was surprised Deja Vu didn't get the win... not that Bosco didn't deserve it as well. I think Willow would have won if she had met the brief on 'shoulder pads' for her runway look.

The Walking Dead: Forgot to mention this one last week. (1) It was interesting seeing some of the people we know now working in the Civil Republic (?) I liked seeing Ezekiel looking after animals as he was once a zookeeper. Very interesting house of horrors at the fun fair. I would guess the majority of people in the CR never truly experienced the full horrors of the outside world - a little like Alexandria when Rick and the others first arrived. The son of the leader is a typical spoiled rich kid with a huge chip on his shoulder, probably because he is trying to impress mommy. I wonder if Daryl will meet up with Silas from 'World Beyond'.

(2) I wasn't as interested in this week's episode which was centered around Eugene and Princess. I'm sure it is an important episode for setting the scene for what is happening inside the CR but I wasn't invested in any of the characters.

TV SHOWS STILL TO WATCH - These are all the shows I have collected but have yet to watch. Also noticed there are new seasons of Locke & Key and Raised by Wolves for me to catch up on.

4400 (reboot):
Babylon 5: season 5 and a I think a couple of the post-series movies but cannot be certain.
Battlestar Galactica (reboot):
Being Human (US): episode 211 onward
CSI: New York:
Curfew: Michael Biehn was in a single episode (102)
Dark Matter: season 2 onward
DC's Legends of Tomorrow:
Dexter - New Blood:
Doctor WHO (reboot): season 8 onward
Endeavour: latest season to watch when 'N' is in the mood
Foundation: new series
Grace and Frankie: season 2 onward
Hawaii Five-0: season 7 onward
Heroes: Guess this is on the back burner again.
Heroes Reborn:
His Dark Materials:
Justified: Still halfway through season 3
Kyle XY:
MacGyver (new):
Marvels Daredevil:
Marvels The Defenders:
Mutant X: season 3 onward
Philip K Dicks Electric Dreams:
Prison Break: not sure where I was up to but I was at least 2 seasons in
Red Dwarf: season 10 onward
Revolution: season 2 onward
Second Chance:
See: - just seen
Sleepy Hollow: season 4 onward
Star Trek Enterprise: season 3 onward
Star Trek Discovery:
Star Trek Voyager: season 7 onward
Station Eleven: new series
Tell Me a Story:
The 100:
The Blacklist: season 5 onward
The Expanse:
The Flash:
The Following: season 2 onward
The Gifted: season 2
The Last Kingdom:
The Messengers:
The Order: Still not seen anything beyond 1st episode of season 2
The Orville: season 2 onward
The Outsiders:
The Punisher: I haven't watched any new episodes for a while
The Shannara Chronicles:
The Stand: Still not watched any more episodes
The Tomorrow People: reboot plus I'd like to re-watch the original show
The Wheel of Time: decided to gather the episodes and watch it all in one go.
The X-Files: season 11 onward
Total Recall 2070:
Without A Trace: season 4 onward
Zero Hour:

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on Please comment there using OpenID.

misc: update

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