PG SLASH - Four Months - Ben/Mike, Olympus Has Fallen Movies

Mar 04, 2022 21:14

Title: Four Months
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Olympus has Fallen/London Has Fallen
Pairing/Characters: Benjamin Asher/Mike Banning
Rating/Category: PG Slash
Word Count: 1468
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: Alternate Universe where Mike is gay.
Also meets:
trope_bingo R18 prompt: TORTURE / INTERROGATION
allbingo 2022 prompt: Blood
100fandoms 31: courage

Summary: Ben thought he was going to die at Barkawi's hands but he didn't blame Mike for failing to keep his promise.

On AO3: Four Months

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c: fanfic100, genre: alternate universe, c: bingo, fiction, src: movies, note: slash

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