Fandom Update

Oct 25, 2021 14:16


I spent a lot of time working on graphics (fanart) for the challenges in landofart, and not enough time writing! Though I did work more on my ZOMBIE Big Bang story - it's now over 10K.

michaelbiehn - Nothing this week.


tic_tac_woe - R2: COMPLETED - 8/9

Still have that one last prompt: loss of atmosphere.

Round 2 card:


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 25/100 - Nothing this week.

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms.



hc_bingo Round 12 - COMPLETED - 10/25 - Nothing this week.

Fic - 500 words
Art - medium sized (at least 320x240)
Icons - set of 10
Rec post - 10 recs (any combination of fandoms)
Picspam - 20 pics

Last day to post bingos JAN 05, 2022

My card for
hc_bingo ROUND 12:


trope_bingo Round 17 - COMPLETED - 3/25 - Nothing this week.

fic - 300 words
art - a clean sketch not on lined paper
icon - set of 4
rec post - 4 recs (any combination of fandoms)
picspam - 8 pics
fanmixes - cover art plus 4 songs (optional: notes explaining your song choices)
gif sets - 3 gifs, each of them having a minimum size of 150x150
manips - one medium-sized image (at least 300x300)

AO3 Collection for Round 17

My card for
trope_bingo ROUND 17:
- Last day to sign up:  Nov 10, 2021 - Last day to post bingos for this round:  Nov 30, 2021 - Amnesty for this round begins:  Dec 1, 2021 - Amnesty ends:  Dec 31, 2021

6. landofart Phase 17

I created so many graphics this week, and played catch up on a whole bunch of challenges with deadlines looming. Most cannot be shared just yet as they in unrevealed challenges that got extended. I decided to duck out on challenge 15 and use up some of my 'golden tickets' BUT this has been extended too so I might reconsider. I have one challenge (14) that has a deadline late tomorrow.

Outstanding Challenges and Deadlines:
- 03 - HIDE & SEEK (ROUND 5)  DONE 5/5 - 10 - WHO DID IT BEST (MATERIALS)  DONE - 2 - Oct 29, 2021 - 10 - WHO DID IT BEST (PART 1)  DONE - 19/19 - Oct 29, 2021 - 11 - COLORED ASSOCIATION  Nov 6, 2021 - 12 - BOOKMARKED  DONE - 4/4 - 13 - HALLOWED TREATS  DONE - 4/4 - 14 - MIRRORED  Oct 25, 2021 - 15 - BEING PROFILED  DONE - Used Golden Tickets
SECRET SANTA 2021 - STOCKINGS FILLED - 0 - Nothing this week
- Stockings Open:  Dec 16, 2021

smallfandombang 2021 - FIC - STARTED - Nothing written this week

5200 / 10000 (52.00%)
- Author Sign-ups:  Sep 1 - Oct 31, 2021 - Artist Sign-ups:  Nov 1, 2021 - Jan 31, 2022 - Author Check-In No. 1:  Nov 1-7, 2021 - Author Check-In No. 2:  Dec 1-7, 2021 - Author Check-In No. 3:  Jan 1-7, 2022 - Artist Check-In No. 1:  Jan 1-7, 2022 - Rough Draft Due:  Jan 31, 2022 - Artist Claiming:  Feb 7-13, 2022 - Matching Reveal:  Feb 14, 2022 - Author Check-In No. 4:  Mar 8-14, 2022 - Artist Check-In No. 2:  Mar 8-14, 2022 - Final Drafts (Fic & Art) Due:  Mar 31, 2022 - Posting Date Sign-Ups:  Apr 1-4, 2022 - Posting Period:  Apr 5-30, 2022

spook_me 2021 - FIC 1 - POSTED | FIC2 - STARTED
- Master Post opens, stories are due!:  Oct 26, 2021

allbingo Fall Festival 2021 - COMPLETED - 1/9 - Nothing this week.

My card from the CREATURES list:
- Posting until:  Oct 31, 2021

yuletide_admin Yuletide 2021 - ASSIGNMENT - AWAITED
- Assignments go out:  Oct 23 to 25, 2021 - Posting deadline:  Dec 18, 2021 at 9am UTC - Story reveal:  Dec 25, 2021 - Author reveal:  Jan 1, 2022

mistletoe_exchange Mistletoe Exchange 2021 - SIGN-UP - DONE

This is specifically for relationships - slash, het, femmeslash, anything goes. I've nominated a few current favorite fandoms and pairings :) There's only a few days left to sign up, if anyone is interested! Minimum is 1000 words.
- Sign-ups:  Oct 22 to Nov 2, 2021 - Assignments out by:  Nov 5, 2021 - Posting deadline:  Dec 9, 2021 at 9am UTC - Story reveal:  Dec 21, 2021 - Author reveal:  Dec 28, 2021

rarepairficexchange - SIGN-UP - DONE

Minimum is 500 words. There are a number of interesting rare pairings represented.
- Sign-ups:  Oct 18 to Oct 24, 2021 - Assignments Due:  Jan 15, 2022 - Works Revealed:  Jan 22, 2022


Nothing this week.

Still To do - most of these will have to wait until I have far more free time to think it all through - and that time has almost come! I will have a lot more free time now.

1. Scan/Upload clippings and other articles - Nothing done this week. I have a new scanner, so that should make life a little easier

2. Make sites mobile friendly - no progress but as this is a major site restructure, I won't start this until I know what I need to do! It will require substantial free time to figure out what is required and learn how to code it.

3. Reduce the overall number of files - so I can let go of ONE of the web spaces and save some money in future. It's another major undertaking and will be a time consuming task. This must be a priority as money is going to get tight soon! I have at least a year's grace in which to work on this.

4. Sort out the eFiction archives - Nothing done this week but I may approach AO3 about taking them on once I have some free time to go through everything.

5. Update the TV/Movie lists to add new TV/movie appearances - This requires creating new pages, with graphics and links. Nothing done this week and I know I have fallen WAY behind on all the sites. I'll likely do a catch-up spree soon :)

Please remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE pages for these.


PHOENIX: Updates - Nothing this week.

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates - Nothing this week.

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates - Nothing this week.

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates - Nothing this week.

Nick Lea - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery

Books/Fanfiction **** POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT ****

FANFICTION: Still slowly reading The Old Guard Joe/Nicky stories. I am definitely not getting anywhere as so many new stories are being added daily!

BOOKS: Still not started on Surviving the Evacuation book 7 by Frank Tayell because I'm still too busy reading fanfic :)



Accused: Marwan has only one small scene in this movie playing a Detective who helps the lead detective with the first interview of Lucia de Berk. Lucia is a nurse accused of 'angel of death' killings of 7 babies and old people but much of the evidence was fabricated and real evidence withheld. A young assistant prosecutor who was instrumental in getting her imprisoned realizes it is is a miscarriage of justice and becomes a whistleblower, eventually helping to prove her innocence and get her exonerated of all crimes. It's based on a true story and is quite frightening to see how the justice system can be perverted. Worse, no one in the prosecution services, or any of the hospital staff were even reprimanded, while Lucia spent over 6 years in false imprisonment. It's really quite scary to see how verdicts can be railroaded through the courts on the weight of public opinion and a need to win a case rather than see justice prevail.

The Angel: Marwan plays the lead character, Ashraf Marwan, a real life hero to both the Israel and Egyptian people for his part in bringing a swift end to a war between the two countries enabling them to broker a peace that has lasted 40+ years. It's sad that he later died under suspicious circumstances less than 2 weeks after he was 'outed' as The Angel. The movie was very good.

De Oost (The East): After the Japanese invaded and were then driven from the Dutch East Indies, the Indonesian people wanted independence. The movie is about the Dutch troops sent in to deal with the 'rebellion' and some of the war atrocities that occurred. Marwan plays 'The Turk', a captain who is given carte blanche to create a unit that uses intel to enter villages and kill anyone named on a list of rebels, allowing no trials. He is pretty emotionless about it all. The story mostly follows a young man who has enlisted and who joins the unit only to find his values at odds with what they are doing. Another good movie.

Jurassic Park and Lost World: 'A' wanted a re-watch of the original JP movies, and I can never say NO to that :) Later tonight we plan on watching JP3, my favorite because of the Alan/Billy :)

FANVIDS: Another The Old Guard


image Click to view

image Click to view

One of the Team:

image Click to view


TV SHOWS: As I was late posting last week, I had already seen some of this past week's episodes and commented on them. I got a cable to run from the aerial connector to the TV so now we can watch 'live' TV without all the stress of streaming. I ended up binge watching some reality TV - emergency, police programs.

9-1-1: Not my favorite episode as it has too much family drama and not enough action. At least Buck knows he isn't being ostracized over Chim leaving.

Chicago Med: I'm glad Marcel stuck to his beliefs and made his patient's surgeon mother back-off and let him save her daughter's life. Looks like they are pulling out the old favorite trope of Maggie's daughter using pills to keep herself awake. I hate that trope as it's been overused.

Day of the Dead: Thought I'd try out the first episode of this new series and it wasn't bad. A little tongue in cheek on occasion so I tuned in for another episode to see where it went and, so far, it's okay. Head shots don't seem to stop these zombies, and body parts stay alive - like the creepy moving arm.

Endeavour: still to watch when 'N' is in the mood

Fear the Walking Dead: next episode is on 31 Oct

Great British Bake-off: We've been watching these each week on DL until this week's episode, waiting a few days for smaller DL's to come available. Having the cable setup to the aerial on the roof meant we could watch it 'live' this week :) I was sorry to see Freya go as she has been pretty amazing for a 19 year old, especially working with gluten free products. I'd like to have seen more of her.

Heroes: Not seen any episodes this week

La Brea: Not a whole lot happened except they have a human 'enemy' to watch out for now - red hand print man. They have found a village too but it looks rather empty. Guess I'll have to see who these people are, though it's kind of hinted that there is a missing team from the Mojave sinkhole event.

New Amsterdam: This week's episode was mostly about the unreliability of memories and in believing someone. Helen discovered that her memory of her father was all skewed and now she is questioning her memories of her mother. I'm glad Reynold's put his patient first rather than the prestigious artificial heart operation. Of course Helen overhears Max saying he might not leave New Amsterdam if it means seeing all the work he has done for patients erased by the new Medical Director's 'mercenary' antics.

NCIS: Hmmmm.... interesting. I actually liked Parker as a Gibbs replacement, mostly because he is not trying to be Gibbs. It was a good case too with some interesting twists. I'm glad McGee put his family first before work, refusing Gibbs' post.

RuPaul's Drag Race UK: I am so glad they allowed both of them to stay. I guess it helped that they had lost Victoria Scone early to injury so had a space to spare, and both Charity and Scarlett performed the lip sync so well.

Shetland: I may wait until I have more episodes before watching this.

The Good Doctor: Next episode is not until tomorrow

The Walking Dead: World Beyond: A lot more action this week. I am glad Silas is willing to help them, but now he has gotten into trouble. Also, what Huck has discovered is abhorrent. I saw the preview of next week and that was Jadis, the one who took Rick Grimes away after he was badly injured. Sweet moments were Will and Felix kissing goodbye and Felix reunited with Leo Bennett, his college professor, who 'adopted' him when his father kicked him out for being gay.

TV SHOWS STILL TO WATCH - These are all the shows I have collected but have yet to watch.

Avenue 5:
Babylon 5: season 5 and a I think a couple of the post-series movies but cannot be certain.
Battlestar Galactica (reboot):
Being Human (US): episode 211 onward
CSI: New York:
Curfew: Michael Biehn was in a single episode (102)
Dark Matter: season 2 onward
DC's Legends of Tomorrow:
Doctor WHO (reboot): season 8 onward
Foundation: new series
Grace and Frankie: season 2 onward
Hawaii Five-0: season 7 onward
Heroes Reborn:
His Dark Materials:
Justified: Still halfway through season 3
Kyle XY:
MacGyver (new):
Marvels Daredevil:
Marvels Inhumans:
Marvels The Defenders:
Minority Report:
Mutant X: season 3 onward
Philip K Dicks Electric Dreams:
Prison Break: not sure where I was up to but I was at least 2 seasons in
Red Dwarf: season 10 onward
Revolution: season 2 onward
Second Chance:
See: - just seen
Sleepy Hollow: season 4 onward
Star Trek Enterprise: season 3 onward
Star Trek Discovery:
Star Trek Voyager: season 7 onward
Tell Me a Story:
The 100:
The Blacklist: season 5 onward
The Expanse:
The Flash:
The Following: season 2 onward
The Gifted: season 2
The Last Kingdom:
The Messengers:
The Order: Still not seen anything beyond 1st episode of season 2
The Orville: season 2 onward
The Outsiders:
The Punisher: I haven't watched any new episodes for a while
The Shannara Chronicles:
The Stand: Still not watched any more episodes
The Tomorrow People: reboot plus I'd like to re-watch the original show
The X-Files: season 11 onward
Total Recall 2070:
Without A Trace: season 4 onward
Zero Hour:

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on  

misc: update

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