Fandom Update

Apr 13, 2020 15:36

CURRENT FANDOM CHALLENGES: - I haven't posted this for a few weeks because I haven't done ANYTHING! Not a thing! My apathy knows no bounds at the moment.

michaelbiehn Month: APRIL 2020 - ANY MB Character

Nothing posted yet.


tic_tac_woe - R2: COMPLETED - 8/9

Still have that one last prompt: loss of atmosphere

Round 2 card:


100fandoms - COMPLETED - 16/100

This is a low pressure, no time limit challenge with a minimum word count of 100 (no max) where you write a story for 100 different fandoms. I'm combining this with some of the other challenges.

Nothing posted this week.



trope_bingo R14 - COMPLETED - 19/25

Nothing done this week.


fic - 500 words
meta - 1000 words
art - medium sized (at least 320x240)
icon - set of 10
rec post - 10 recs (any combination of fandoms)
podfic - 500-word fic
picspam - 20 pics
videos - 30 sec
mixes - 10 songs with a tracklist that also explains why you picked them.

- Last day to sign up:  Jun 10, 2020
- Last day to post bingos:  Jun 30, 2020


gameofcards - CHALLENGES COMPLETED - 3/4

Nothing new this week and no new challenges set.

- Challenge 04:  NOT DONE

DONE: 01| 02| 03


landofart Phase 14 - CHALLENGES COMPLETED - 0/7

This has restarted and several challenges have been set.

- 07 - Pristine Edges  NOT DONE
- 06 - Screencaps as textures, What?  NOT DONE
- 05 - An Extra Eggy Bunny Day  NOT DONE
- 04 - The Panoramic Effect  NOT DONE
- 03 - Hide n Seek Round 1  NOT DONE
- 02 - Tag It!  NOT DONE
- 01 - Promotion  NOT DONE




I still haven't made time to dig out all my DVD backups to see if I have any of the missing stuff from when the external HD crashed. I have sorted through more magazine clippings but haven't scanned any in ready to upload.

General: Nothing this week:

Still To do - most of these will have to wait until I have far more free time to think it all through.

1. Make sites mobile friendly and secure (https) - no progress but this is a major site restructure so I won't start this until I know what I need to do!

2. Reduce the overall number of files - so I can let go of ONE of the webspaces and save some money.

3. Sort out the efiction archives - I am still planning to move the MB and Nick Lea fiction archives to AO3. My stories are already there so it's simply a matter of removing them from the NL archive at some point.

4. Update the TV/Movie lists - add new TV/movie appearances, which means creating new pages and links.

Remember to check out the gallery and fiction archives for any new items/stories posted as I don't tend to change the website UPDATE page for these.


PHOENIX: Updates

Nothing this week.

Michael Biehn - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


UpCLOSE: Updates

Nothing this week.

Eric Close - A03 Fiction and Art collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


David Hewlett Archive: Updates

Nothing this week.

David Hewlett - AO3 Fiction and ART collection
Latest Uploads to the Gallery


Focused on Nick Lea: Updates

Nothing this week.

Latest Uploads to the Gallery

If this is a fiction post then please comment on AO3, otherwise I'd love to hear from you on

misc: update

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