Challenge 02: Drabble Tree

Jan 05, 2020 23:06

Challenge #02

For this challenge, we will be doing a drabble tree!  Some of you may remember doing this a few phases back and the original idea for this came from skieswideopen.  To create a drabble tree, you will be responding to other people's drabbles with your own using a single line from that drabble.  More than one person can respond to any given drabble, even if multiple people have responded before you.  You may change pronouns and proper names as needed.  Please indicate which line you used from the previous drabble in some way - bolding, italicising, and putting it in the subject line of the comment all work great!

Drabbles are generally considered to be works of fiction that are 100 words long, but feel free to write more if you are inspired!  Each drabble will be worth 10 points, regardless of length.

I have posted two of my previously-written drabbles in the comments for you to start with.

Points You can earn a total of 101 points. (10 points for every drabble, up to 10 drabbles)
+1 for sigtag when submitting
Due Date January 26th at 11:59 PM CST
Submitting Please submit links to your drabbles and your sigtag in the submission thread below!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in them in the questions thread below.


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