
Jan 27, 2007 16:45

Below is a series of open-ended statements that you can answer in any way you wish. (Your favorite song at that time, the name of the head of state, the color of your favorite shirt, the name of your school, the name of your crush, a fear or worry you remember, a sport you played or whatever else strikes your fancy.)

You may stop at whatever age you wish, or continue on for hopes for the future if you like. If you've seen more years than are listed here, feel free to add on!

Then, tag four other people you're interested to see memories from.

I don't really know who to tag, but if you want to do this and haven't already, feel free!

In the year I was born:
...I was born. Yay! My wolf dog acquired a "puppy" (me!). Awww.

In the year I turned/was 5:
I started kindergarden. We had recess and a sandbox inside and nap-time: the good things in life. I wrote my first "story". I started "Indian Princesses", which is kind of like Girl Scouts only we don't sell cookies and we dress up with leather vests, beads, and feathers. I can't remember much else specifically about age five, so since this meme skips some important years for me, I'll mention those now. In 1st grade, I wrote my first fanfic! ^_^ It was based on 101 Dalmatians. At age seven or eight, I beat up a kid who lived on the next street over for being mean to my little brother. Only I'm allowed to be mean to my little brother. Around the same age (2nd grade), I met my now-best friend. At nine, I began riding. At age ten, I made that fateful decision to play trombone. Dun dun dun!

In the year I began school:
I cannot remember if I began school at age two or age three. If it was at age two, then my little brother was born. If it was age three, I discovered the joys of the French horn.

In the year I turned/was 13:
My best friend and I hated each other for the beginning half of the year because we had the exact same schedule in school and saw each other everyday for eight hours. Then we made up and are still best friends. I was also "uncool". My guy friend Stefan dated my two best friends. Then he started to get Weird (his family was really messed up).

In the year I turned/was 15:
I won Best Junior Handler and High Scoring Junior in Obedience at the national specialty. :D I'd also coordinated a junior handler seminar and match, which was a lot of fun. I ended up winning the match too (it was the day before the real competition). I also qualified for the All-State Solo Contest in March, then got a silver medal at State. I *think* my puppy also earned his first major point at a huge show with me. :-)

In the year I turned/was 16:
I got my driver's license. I missed my first ever marching band practices. Gasp! My friend Courtney died in this year. :-(

In the year I turned/was 17:
I finished my puppy's Champion (CH) title with a fourth major win in December, after winning back to back majors at this huge show in Houston (the one they show on tv in October!). That same weekend, I also was in the top seven handlers in a class of eighty-three. I got another silver medal at the All-State Solo Contest. I made All-Region Honor Band. And I was a band officer. Fear me!

In the year I turned/was 20:
I sort of survived the Ten Year Blizzard. I was reminded of Teh Great Noldo and His Awesomeness when, while walking along the wet/icy sidewalk, teh Noldo must have said, "Bow to me!" because suddenly I was kneeling on one knee with my head down, staring at the ground. Lol! :P
I'm not doing the hopes for the future because 1) I don't know and 2) I'm too tired!

thefridayfive is about work, and I usually don't do the friday five, but here I go.

1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
That depends on your definition of well. For example, (since I want to work with horses) I don't want to train/ride horses all day no matter how enjoyable it is, if the training/boarding fees are not sufficient to make ends meet. I don't want to be in the situation where there are 10 horses in my care, yet I have to decide whether to pay the electric bill or the stable help.

2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?
No. Hence, I quit my summer job.

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Er, define "costume". I'd definitely dress up as a Hogwarts student if I worked at a bookstore, for example. And there's something of a required dress for working with horses - I'm not sure it counts as a costume, but I did wear my riding clothes for a Halloween costume once!

4. What is your fantasy job?
Not having one, basically. I'd like to have the time, energy, and resources to have one or two horses to train/ride/love, two dogs to train and show on the weekends, and enough time leftover to write and socialize with my friends, and maybe even dabble a bit in music.

5. Would you like fries with that?
Er, I love fries? I refuse to work at McDonald's, if that's what you mean, but I also refuse to order a salad at a fast food restaurant. If I'm going to eat unhealthy food, I'm going all out and getting the fries!
fannish5, though I guess I'm pretty liberal in my "allowable interpretations", and don't have too many major fandom pet peeves that I can think of right now.

What five nitpicky things do you wish writers in your fandom(s) would get right?

1. Feanor's hair color. It's not a prevalent issue, but when I do come across the occasional story where Feanor has red hair, I twitch, no matter how well the story is written otherwise. It's nit-picky, I know, but it bothers me.

2. Horse stuff! Riding, handling, behavior... Incorrect details where horses are involved bother me. Of course, horses have been my life - and are now my life's work - so I think I have an excuse. ;-) (Though if everyone wrote perfect horse scenes, I'd be out of constructive criticism!)

3. Evil!Feanor/Son-of-Feanor/Noldor. And conversely Good!Fingolfin/Fingon/Whoever. Basically, black-and-white characters (excepting Morgoth, orcs, etc. for the purpose of this question). One of the things I like about The Silmarillion is that there are a lot of complex characters. I was talking to ann_arien once about how it seems that as Tolkien revised and changed things, he made Feanor & Co. more Evil and Fingolfin & Co. more Completely Good & Innocent. As I mentioned at the time, for example, it seemed like the mentality was that Fingon could not be both a kinslayer and a hero/king. I don't like these versions because they take away from the complexity of the characters. And where's the fun in that?

4. Weak!Maglor. Sometimes there seems to be the assumption that since Maglor was a musician rather than a hunter or smith, he is not as strong as his brothers. Now, I began playing trombone at age 11 (and French horn and keyboard before that), so believe me when I say that he could probably kick your @$$!! ;-P My friend actually has a sign in her room that sums this up which reads "Beware of Attack Musician". So, on a more serious note (ha! No pun intended, I swear!), it bothers me that just because of Maglor's music background that he has a weak personality.

5. When people mix up Elladan and Elrohir. Not their personalities - I'm okay with different interpretations as far as that goes, since they get a whole, what? six lines in LotR? I'm talking about when the author writes something like, "'Elladan, let's go swimming,' Elladan said to his brother." Pleeeeease try to keep the speaker straight in your writing! If I were to narrow it down to one thing, I would say that, if nothing else, you should make sure that you keep your El's straight when writing Elladan & Elrohir.
Well, that wasn't too hard, once I got to thinking on it. I guess I have more pet peeves than I thought!

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