My big monthly to-do list isn't doing it for me right now. I need a small, more specific to-do list for today. One that can get me dressed and gently usher me through the rest of the weekend.
• Reset weekend Leechblock filter
• Shower and get dressed
• Reread lordship section of monastic vocation chapter section
• Determine if footnotes are in place GOOD ENOUGH
• Finish footnotes if necessary
• Connect topic sentence of second St-Georges paragraph to rest of chunk
• Figure out which duke of Normandy
• Finish Saint-Georges de Rennes discussion [HINTS OF LADIES AND LORDSHIP]
• Finish lordship section
• Finish reading intro to Anne Lunven's book
• Finish skimming bibliography of Anne Lunven's book
• Read section of AL's book relevant to priests section, take notes
• Revisit list of monks for priests section
• Think about nodes idea in relation to priests section, chapter - are churches nodes?
• Mark 5 week 5 papers
• Mark 5 more week 5 papers [IN PROGRESS, 3 down]
• Mark 5 week 6 papers
• Start practicing German again
• Do dark wash [IN PROGRESS]
• Clean (disgusting) stove and sweep/wipe oven
• Gather and take out trash and recycling
• Skype with parental units
• Write cards for Laurie, Gran
• Grocery shop
• Sort goodwill-destined clothes
• Drop off bag of clothes at goodwill
• Stir up new jar of peanut butter
• Cook fuuds for supper
• If time, bake muffins
This entry was originally posted at Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.