The first week of March is spring break at my current institution, and I'll be spending the balance of the week in the motherland, where I'm currently ensconced in Cormac's living room, putting together the draft of my Dol-Combourg dissertation chapter. It's time for a special spring break edition of my monthly master to-do list.
Academic projects:
Draft of complete Dol-Combourg chapter
University dissertation fellowship application [COMPLETION PENDING]
Marking museum projects
Marking midterms
To-do lists for academic projects:
• Set new draft targets
• Reread draft so far
• Figure out how to reorganize introduction
• Outline next chunk
• MARCH 2: Write 2100 words
• MARCH 2: Outline for March 3
• MARCH 3: Write 2100 words
• MARCH 3: Outline for March 4
• MARCH 4: Write 2011 words
• MARCH 4: Outline for March 5
• MARCH 5: Write 2100 words
• MARCH 6: Bus back to Boston, no work on draft
• MARCH 7: Print and reread draft
• MARCH 7: Plan edits to draft
• MARCH 8: Edits
• MARCH 9: Edits
• MARCH 10: Send draft to Robin
• Email P re: length of abstract
• Write dissertation abstract
• Write paragraph describing current status of dissertation
• Revisit and reread abstract and paragraph
• Send with CV to P by March 10
• Create museum project marking rubric
• Attach loose tickets to papers as necessary
• Read ~10 papers to get a sense of range
• Mark 9:00 am section papers
• Mark 10:00 am section papers
• Mark 11:00 am section papers
• Record marks
• Reread exam questions
• Outline some acceptable answers
• Read ~10 exams to get sense of range of responses
• Establish rubric
• Pre-prepare some comments
• Mark essay question 1
• Mark essay question 2
• Mark essay question 3
• Record essay grades
• Calculate overall grades
• Record overall grades
• Put grades on exams
This entry was originally posted at Talk to me here or there, whichever you prefer.